日時 | 平成21年6月5日(金)15:00–16:00 |
場所 | 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 1階 セミナー室 1-1 (札幌市北区北20条西10丁目) |
講演者 | Daniel Day 博士 (Centre for Micro-Photonics, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology) |
タイトル | Femtosecond biophotonics: fabrication, manipulation and imaging |
概要 |
The continued development of optical systems for observation and manipulation of live biological specimens has produced advances in understanding cell physiology. Traditional optical microscopes have given way to multi-functional, multi-laser based platforms that provide the opportunity to interact with the specimen on a subcellular level. The development of tools that enable live cell imaging have led to an improvement in the ability to investigate cellular processes such as migration and cell-cell communication. Many of the advances in knowledge of the molecular activities of cells are related to epithelial, fibroblasts and neuronal cells, all of which are relatively slow moving, making them ideal candidates for long term imaging. Knowledge of cell biology and behaviour in three-dimensional (3D) complex tissue environments is essential if we are to understand the mechanics of healthy organs as well as that of cancers, infectious diseases and other public health issues. In order to mimic a natural 3D environment an alternative fabrication process is required to create complex 3D tissue scaffolds which can be incorporated or integrated into a microfluidic device. Recently we have developed microfabrication methods to engineer controlled 3D cell microenvironments capable of containing or manipulating cells which will enable researchers to further their understanding of the localised environmental factors that stimulate and determine cell growth and interaction. |
連絡先 | 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 光システム計測研究分野 笹木敬司((内)9396)、藤原英樹((内)9395) |
備考等 |
この度、Swinburne University of Technology の Daniel Day 博士が北海道大学にお越しになります。Daniel 博士は主にレーザー光を用いた微小構造のマイクロファブリケーションやそれを用いた生物細胞の分光イメージング測定等のご研究をされており、講演会では最新の研究成果についてお話し頂く予定にしております。 多数の方々が御参加下さいますよう御案内申し上げます。 |
News & Events
Femtosecond biophotonics: fabrication, manipulation and imaging