December 9 (Mon)
13:00-13:15 |
Welcome Address: Tateo Shimozawa, Director of RIES
Opening Remarks: Nobuhiro Ohta, Program Committee
Session I: Special Lecture
Chairman: Nobuhiro Ohta (RIES)
13:15-14:30 |
Yuan T. Lee (President of Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
"Chemical Dynamics, Combustion and the Future of Mankind"
14:30-15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30-18:00 |
RIES-Hokudai 10th Anniversary Ceremony |
18:00- |
Conference Dinner with 10th Anniversary Celebration Party |
December 10 (Tue)
(Presentation time: 40 minutes including 5 minutes for discussion)
Session II: Function ( )
Chairman: Toshirou Yagi (RIES)
9:00-9:40 |
Oliver B. Wright (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo)
"Imaging Ripples on Crystals"
9:40-10:20 |
Marie-Hélène Lemée-Cailleau (CNRS-Univ. of Rennes 1, France)
"Photo-Induced Ferroelectricity at the Neutral-to-Ionic Transition by Time-Resolved X-Ray Crystallography"
10:20-10:35 |
Coffee Break |
Chairman: Takeshi Karino (RIES)
10:35-11:15 |
Kazuhito Hashimoto (Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo)
"Design of Photomagnet Using Bimetallic Polycyanides"
11:15-11:55 |
Shinya Kuriki (RIES, Sapporo)
"How Does Magnetic Flux Move in a Superconductor? -Detecting Single Flux Vortices Using a SQUID-"
11:55-13:20 |
Photos and Lunch
Session III: Machinery ( )
Chairman: Mamoru Tamura (RIES)
13:20-14:00 |
Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr. (Center for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki)
"Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in a Rotary Molecular Motor Revealed by Single-Molecule Physiology"
14:00-14:40 |
Tetsuo Ueda (RIES, Sapporo)
"An Intelligent Slime Mold -A Self-Organizing System of Shape and Information-"
14:40-15:20 |
Yoshihito Osada (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo)
"Intelligent Gels -An Approach to Artificial Muscles-"
15:20-15:35 |
Coffee Break
Chairman: Masatsugu Shimomura (RIES)
15:35-16:15 |
Jerker Widengren (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
"Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Related Techniques for Characterization of Sparse Amounts of Molecules in Solution and on Cell Surfaces"
16:15-16:55 |
Hiroshi Tokumoto (RIES, Sapporo)
"New Nanobiotechnology Field Opened by Carbon Nanotube SPMs"
17:30-19:30 |
Poster Presentation with Conference Mixer
December 11 (Wed)
(Presentation time: 40 minutes including 5 minutes for discussion)
Session IV: Mechanism ( )
Chairman: Yasumasa Nishiura (RIES)
9:00-9:40 |
Shigeki Takeuchi (RIES, Sapporo)
"Quantum Mechanics and Single Photon Technology"
9:40-10:20 |
Masahide Terazima (Kyoto Univ., Kyoto)
"New Techniques to Detect Energy and Conformational Changes of Proteins"
10:20-11:00 |
Pill-Soon Song (Kumho Life & Environmental Science Lab., Korea)
"A Biological Light Switch, Phytochrome"
11:00-11:15 |
Coffee Break
Chairman: Keiji Sasaki (RIES)
11:15-11:55 |
Tetsuro Majima (Osaka Univ., Osaka)
"Hole Transfer in DNA"
11:55-12:35 |
Min Gu (Swinburne Univ. of Tech., Australia)
"Imaging and Trapping in Scanning Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy"
12:35- |
Closing Remarks
Poster Presentations
December 10 (Tue)
P1 |
Tomoyuki Akutagawa, Tatsuo Hasegawa and Takayoshi Nakamura
(Laboratory of Molecular Electronics)
"Development of Molecular Systems toward Nano-Molecular Electronics"
P2 |
Hiroshi Nakagawa, Satoru Tanaka and Ikuo Suemune
(Laboratory of Optoelectronics)
"Self-ordering of steps on vicinal SiC surfaces"
P3 |
Hiroshi Nishino*1, Shingo Yamashita1, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki1, Michiko Nishikawa2, Fumio Yokohari2 and Makoto Mizunami1,3
(1Laboratory of Neuro-Cybernetics, 2Fukuoka Univ., 3PRESTO)
"Discovery of Interneurons Processing Thermo- and Hygrosensory Signals in an Insect Brain"
P4 |
Takayuki Nakajima and Koichi Kawahara
(Laboratory of Biomedical Control)
"Relationship between the Activation of CREB and Ischemic Tolerance in the Penumbra Region of Rat Cerebral Cortex"
P5 |
Jun Kawamata
(Laboratory of Quantum Electronics)
"Two-Photon Induced Fluorescent Properties of a Class of Conjugated Ketone Derivatives and a Metal Complex"
P6 |
Nobuhiro Ohta, Takakazu Nakabayashi and Minoru Tsushima
(Laboratory of Molecular Photonics)
"Electric Field Effects on Photochemical Processes in Solid Films"
P7 |
Katsuhiro Ishii, R. Yoshida and Toshiaki Iwai
(Laboratory of Nanomaterials)
"Single-Scattering Spectroscopy for Dense Media"
P8 |
Toshirou Yagi, Yhuji Tsujimi, Masaru Kasahara and Masaki Takesada
(Laboratory of Phase Transition)
"Noble Properties of Dielectric Materials Appeared in the Phase Transition Mechanism"
P9 |
H. Aonuma1*, Y. Matsumoto2, S.R. Ott3, M.R. Elphick3, M. Mizunami2 and T. Shimozawa1
(1Laboratory of Neuro-Cybernetics, 2Tohoku Univ., 3Univ. of London)
"Function of NO-cGMP Signaling in Olfactory Memory in the Cricket"
P10 |
Akito Chiba, Hideki Fujiwara, Jun-ichi Hotta, Shigeki Takeuchi and Keiji Sasaki
(Laboratory of Optical Systems Engineering)
"Resonant Frequency Control of a Microspherical Cavity by Temperature Adjustment"
P11 |
Toshiyuki Nakagaki*, Hiroyasu Yamada and Ryo Kobayashi*
(*Laboratory of Cellular Informatics)
"Physiological Approach to Amoeboid Behavior in True Slime Mold"
P12 |
Toshiaki Iwai and Kenta Matsubara
(Laboratory of Nanomaterials)
"Diffusing Light Reflectometry for Imaging Blood Vessels"
P13 |
Ryo Kobayashi and Toshiyuki Nakagaki
(Laboratory of Nonlinear Studies and Computation)
"Mathematical Modeling of Amoeboid Behavior in True Slime Mold"
P14 |
Hideki Fujiwara and Keiji Sasaki
(Laboratory of Optical Systems Engineering)
"Optical Confinement within a Random Medium"
P15 |
Hiroshi Yabu1,2, Masaru Tanaka3, Kuniharu Ijiro3 and Masatsugu Shimomura2,3
(1Hokkaido Univ., 2RIKEN, 3Laboratory of Molecular Devices)
"Preparation of Nano-particles Containing Polynucleic acid-Amphiphile Polyion Complex and Their Molecular Recognition Properties"
P16 |
Jiuk Jung, Tetsuo Kobayashi and Shinya Kuriki
(Laboratory of Electromagnetic Sensing)
"Modulation of Spontaneous EEGs during the Target Recognition Based on Texture Cue"
P17 |
Fumihiko Fujii*, Yoshinobu Nodasaka† and Mamoru Tamura*
(*Laboratory of Supramolecular Biophysics, †Hokkaido Univ.)
"The Light Scattering Increase Related to Matrix Shrinkage of Isolated Rat Brain Mitochondria during Anoxia"
P18 |
Koichi Niwa, Tatsunori Kado and Takeshi Karino
(Laboratory of Biofluid Dynamics)
"The Effect of a Shear Flow on the Uptake of LDL by an EC-SMC Bilayer in Culture"
P19 |
Yasutaka Matsuo1, Kuniharu Ijiro1,2, Masatsugu Shimomura2
(1PRESTO, 2Laboratory of Molecular Devices)
"Stretching of single DNA molecules by Langmuir-Blodgett method"
P20 |
Kunihiro Kojima, Holger F. Hofmann, Shigeki Takeuchi and Keiji Sasaki
(Laboratory of Optical Systems Engineering)
"Nonlinear Interaction in a Two Photon Pulse at an Atom-Cavity System"
P21 |
Katsuhisa Sato, Masaru Tanaka, Masahumi Takebayashi, Kazutaka Nishikawa, Kiyoshi Hasebe, Tomoaki Kawai, Michiaki Matsushita, Satoru Todo and Masatsugu Shimomura
(Laboratory of Molecular Devices)
"Preparation of the Patterned Film of Biodegradable Polymer for Tissue Engineering Scaffolds"
P22 |
Takeshi Homma1), Shuichi Ino1), Takashi Izumi2), Hayato Kuroki3) and Tohru Ifukube3)
(1)Laboratory of Sensory Information Engineering, 2)Hokkaido Tokai Univ., 3)The Univ. of Tokyo)
"Preparation of Nano-particles Containing Polynucleic acid-Amphiphile Polyion Complex and Their Molecular Recognition Properties"