International Symposium on Joint Research Network for Advanced Material and Devices 彫[chou]
March 25(Thu.) and 26(Fri.), 2010.
Hotel-Nidom, Hokkaido, Japan
Co-organized by
This symposium was made possible by financial support from Nikon Instech.Co.,Ltd.

Scope of Symposium

The main theme of the symposium of Joint Research Network on Advanced Material and Devices is symbolized by a single “Kanji” (Chinese Character) “彫 (cho)”. In Japanese, the character “彫” means “carving”, the art of making object by cutting away materials from wood or stone. We choose this character “彫” to express our thought of science as an art of finding hidden mechanisms or rules in nature and shedding light on them. The theme of the symposium on Joint Research Network for Advanced Material and Devices is based on this character, and aims to share ideas for developing the ways to visualize and analyze systems from molecules, nano-structures to life. With this keyword in mind, we would like to implement interdisciplinary discussions under the unified theme during this Symposium.


MARCH 25, 2010

11:00 Buses leave Hokkaido University for Hotel Nidom
12:15 Buses leave New Chitose International Airport for Hotel Nidom
12:30 Registration opens


13:00 - 13:05 Dr. Akihito Yamaguchi (Director, ISIR, Osaka Univ.)
13:05 - 13:10 Dr. Takeharu Nagai (Chair, Organizing Committee, Hokkaido Univ.)

SESSION I “NANO & PHOTONICS” (Room Ehureppo) Chaired by Dr. Kunihiro Ijiro (Hokkaido Univ.)

13:10 – 13:55 Dr. Paul LEIDERER (Univ, Konstanz)
Optical Near-Fields of Nanostructures and their Use for Nanopatterning
13:55 - 14:35 Dr. Takuo TANAKA (RIKEN)
Towards Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Metamaterials
14:35 - 15:05 Dr. Tomokazu IYODA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Block Copolymer Templating Processes for Highly Ordered Nanostructured Materials
15:05 - 15:35 Dr. Jyunji NISHII (Hokkaido Univ)
Photonic Functions Fabricated by Subwavelength Optics
15:35 - 15:50 Coffee break


15:35 - 15:50 Poster set up
15:50 - 18:00 Poster presentation

SPECIAL LECTURE (Room Ehureppo) Chaired by Dr. Akihito Yamaguchi, (Osaka Univ.)

18:00 - 18:55 Dr. Osamu SHIMOMURA (Marine Biological Laboratory)
How aequorin, GFP and glorin were discovered

BANQUET (Room Ninkur)

19:00 - 21:00

MARCH 26, 2010

SESSION II “SMART MOLECULAR SYSTEM” (Room Ehureppo) Chaired by Drs. Nobuyuki Tamaoki and Ken-ichi Niikura (Hokkaido Univ.)

8:30 - 9:15 Dr. A Prasanna DE SILVA (Queen's Univ. Belfast)
2010: A Small Space Odyssey with Luminescent Molecules
9:15 - 9:55 Dr. Itaru HAMACHI (Kyoto Univ.)
Selective Chemical Labeling and Engineering of Endogenous Proteins in Test Tube, in Cell and in Vivo
9:55 - 10:30 Dr. Masatsugu SHIMOMURA (Tohoku Univ.)
Novel Biomimetic Surface Materials Based on Self-organized Honeycomb-Patterned Polymer Films
10:30 - 11:00 Dr. Nobuyuki TAMAOKI (Hokkaido Univ.)
A Light Controlled Molecular Brake with Complete ON-OFF Rotation
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break

SESSION III “CARVING OUT A FUTURE WITH NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO ELUCIDATE BIOLOGICAL ENIGMA” (Room Ehureppo) Chaired by Drs. Takeharu Nagai and Tomomi Tani (Hokkaido Univ.)

11:15 - 11:55 Dr. Yoshihiro OHMIYA (AIST)
Basic and Application of Luciferases for Bioluminescence Imaging
11:55 - 12:30 Dr. Satoru KIDOAKI (Kyushu Univ.)
Development of Micropatterned Elastic Gels to Control Cell Mechanotaxis and Motility-Related Functions


12:30 - 13:00 Dr. Hiroyuki NOJI (Osaka Univ.)
Imaging of Intracellular ATP Using FRET-Based Indicators
13:00 - 13:20 Mr. Yoshiro OIKAWA (Nikon)
The Latest Technologies with Optical Bio Imaging; from High-speed Confocal to Super Resolution Microscope

SESSION III (continued)

13:20 - 13:50 Dr. Tomomi NEMOTO (Hokkaido Univ.)
Two-photon Microscopic Analysis of Secretion and Fine Intracellular Structure of Living Cell
13:50 - 14:00 Coffee break


14:00 - 14:30 Dr. Tamiki KOMATSUZAKI (Hokkaido Univ.)
Extracting a Multidimensional Free Energy Landscape from a Scalar Single-Molecule Time Series
14:30 - 15:05 Dr. Takashi WASHIO (Osaka Univ.)
Estimating States and Process of a Complex System from Sparse Samples
15:05 - 15:45 Dr. Hiroaki TAKAGI (Nara Medical Univ.)
Cellular Sensing Strategy Based on Spontaneous Migration Revealed Under Electrotaxis in Dictyostelium Cells
15:45 - 16:30 Dr. Michel PEYRARD (ENS-Lyon)
Using UV Bi-photonic Excitation to Add a Dimension to DNA Melting Curves: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Sequence Effects on the Fluctuation and Melting of Short DNA Molecules.


16:30 - 16:40 Dr. Hiroaki Misawa (Director, RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)
16:50 Buses leave Hotel Nidom for New Chitose International Airport
16:50 Buses leave Hotel Nidom for Hokkaido University
