


< 講 義 >


応用物性工学 (工学部 3年生) 

 秋学期 月・火曜日 3限 



ナノマテリアル特論 (情報科学院

  夏学期 水曜日 2, 3限 

Nanomaterials are one of the hottest topics in a wide range of scientific and industrial fields, such as biotechnology, medicine, chemistry, catalysis, sensing and so on. Human bing has been taking advantages with unique properties of nanomaterials since the ancient time. Roman glasses (e.g. Lycurgus cups) and stained glasses contain metal nanoparticles, which are the sources of their beautiful colors. In this series of lectures, we learn the unique properties of nanomterials which are considerably different from bulk materials. At the end of the series we discuss many applications in the various fields. 




北海道大学電子科学研究所 光科学研究部門 ナノ材料光計測研究分野
Add: 011-0020 札幌市北区北20条西10丁目 Ph: 011.706.9410