Advanced optical measurement for structural and functional analysis
Over a broad range of wavelengths, from X-rays to microwaves, light plays important roles in scientific measurements. The "techniques" and "arts" involved in making such measurements are closely associated with "術" and three specialists will present on their work related to X-ray structural analysis of medically important targets, novel polymer development employing X-ray scattering, and plasmonics for single molecule photochemistry and photophysics. This session will provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary discussions towards the development of advanced optical measurement techniques for structural and functional analysis.
Engineering of functional materials for electronic devices
Various technologies are utilized in developing functional materials, which play an essential role in state-of-the-art electronic devices. In thermoelectric devices, it is important to develop materials with not only a large Seebeck coefficient, but also low thermal conductivity. In power electronic devices, materials with a high electrical breakdown field are desired. In batteries, interface engineering of electrode materials is essential. In this session, technologies for realizing high-performance thermoelectric, power electronic, and electrochemical devices will be discussed based on material science, together with their perspectives.
Strategies on biological science
A "life" is an integral system that consists of complicated and various highly sophisticated processes, such as the syntheses of functional products by gene expressions, self-organized constructions of cellular matrices, and neuron signal transductions. Approaches from multiple directions utilizing advanced strategies are therefore indispensable in understanding and handling biological phenomena related to human health. In this session, recent research related to artificial cellular structures mimicking living cells, analysis systems for bio-macromolecules, and nervous system in living things, will be presented and discussed with an outlook on life science and biotechnologies.
Multidisciplinary viewpoints in applied mathematics
Techniques for the control and understanding of natural phenomena lie at the heart of developments in applied mathematics. Whereas theory has greatly benefited from the multifaceted nature of applications, developments in the mathematical sciences have also provided fundamental tools for gaining insight into phenomena, and in unearthing new applications. From methods in hydrodynamics and machine learning, to the creation of computational methods for use in data analysis, the talks in this session illustrate the multidisciplinary nature of applied mathematics.