Chair's Message

Dear friends and colleagues,

We cordially invite you to the 18th International Symposium of the Research Institute for Electronic Science (RIES), Hokkaido University, to be held in Sapporo on November 30 – December 1, 2017. This symposium will be jointly held with the 2nd International Symposium of Dynamic Alliance for Open Innovation Bridging Human, Environment and Materials (the Five-Star Alliance).

RIES has been organizing this annual event since 1999, and since 2001, the objective of each symposium has been symbolized by a single "Kanji" (Chinese character). We have selected “極”[kyoku] as the symbolic Kanji for this year’s symposium. In Japanese, the character “極” generally denotes “extremity,” “limit,” “outermost,” and “sparsity.” It also imparts “directionality” and “directivity” through its translation as “polar” in the natural sciences. Viewed in this light, from polar molecules, polar lights, cell polarity, and polar opposites, to extremely low temperatures, dipole moment, polar coordinate representations, and limit points, “極”[kyoku] represents a major recurrent scientific theme. Thus, in pushing the limits of science, “極” follows the goal of this International Symposium and plays a direct role in phenomena arising within Photonics and Optical Science, the Life Sciences, Materials and Molecular Sciences, and the Mathematical and System Sciences.

We will have poster awards for young researchers and the active participation of students and postdocs is highly encouraged. Finally, we hope that this symposium will serve to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions and lead to fruitful collaborations in the near future.

Sincerely yours,
Masaharu Nagayama
(Chair of the Organizing Committee)