

〒060-0812 札幌市北区北12条西6丁目


 Important sensory principles and learning processes are often hidden in animals even with simple nervous systems. Using insects as model organisms, the research in our laboratory focuses on revealing the physiological mechanisms that underlie biologically important sensory processing and behavior. We regard neuroanatomical studies, especially in early stage of research because morphological studies illuminate the right way for further functional analysis. We have polished up techniques to stain mass and single neurons, as well as neuronal activity recordings. Our knowledge can be expanded to two directions in application fields: 1) Since our cockroach, P. americana is a world-wide pest and is phylogenetically close to termites, environmental-friendly pest control based on physiology could be sought. 2) Since we have studied various sensory systems in insects, knowledge about sense organs could be implemented for designing of minute exquisite sensors. Currently five research themes are ongoing, as follows.

  1. Spatial odor processing in cockroaches
  2. Pheromone processing and behavior in cockroaches
  3. Mushroom body-related interneurons and their participation in memory formation
  4. Peripheral mechanism of vibratory/auditory processing in insects
  5. Multimodal sensory detection in the antenna and their integration in the brain
  6. Neural mechanisms of death feigning (tonic immobility) in crickets




北海道大学 電子科学研究所
北海道大学 水波誠研究室
福岡大学 地球圏科学科
森林総合研究所 森林昆虫研究領域
比較神経科学データベース CNSーPF
University of Konstanz
(Prof. Giovanni Galizia)