
JSPS研究拠点 報告書類

2019年7月7日〜10日 キックオフミーティング@ルーバン大学





ルーバン大学からProf. Susana Rocha、Dr. Beatrice Fortuni、Drs. Indra van Zundertの3名が、北大電子研から大友先生、松尾先生、相良先生の3名が口頭発表を行い、その後他の参加者のポスター発表を行いました。口頭発表、ポスター発表ともに活発な議論が行われ、お互いの得意とする分野について情報共有を行うとともに、今後の共同研究の可能性について議論しました。


Prof. Johan Hofkensグループのラボツアーを行いました。

2019年10月3-4日 The 1st Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium on excitonics and cellular communication @メルボルン大学



メルボルン大学で催した1st Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposiumでは、北大電子研10名、ルーバン大1名、メルボルン大学11名、モナッシュ大学5名の研究者・大学院生が参加しました。各参加者による2件の基調講演、6件の口頭講演および15件のポスター発表をもとに、本プロジェクトの主テーマである細胞間コミュニケーションについて、ナノ科学・励起子科学の観点から各種研究紹介および深い議論が行われました。発表では、ナノ材料開発やナノスケール分子技術、3D培養実験など多岐にわたる内容が披露され、各研究者の得意とする技術分野について情報共有を行い、既に開始されている共同研究内容の発展および新規展開の可能性について議論しました。



モナッシュ大学にて催されたExciton Science Seminar Seriesに参加し、ARCエキシトンサイエンス研究所の各構成員と研究交流を行うとともに、モナッシュ大学の先端教育・研究施設の見学会を行いました。オーストラリアの大学システムの特徴である「高等(学生)教育の重点化」により整備された教育環境を目の当たりにし、オーストラリア側研究者の研究背景を理解することができました。

2020年7月8日 The 2nd Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium on excitonics and cellular communication @ Zoom


コロナ禍により、当初は北海道大学にて現地開催を企画をしていた3か国合同シンポジウム(2nd Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium)を、Zoom会議システム上におけるミーティングとして開催しました。


2021年3月23-24日 The 3rd Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium on excitonics and cellular communication, and its satellite workshop @ Zoom


2021年3月23日 16:30-19:00 JST

コロナ情勢を鑑みて、3か国合同シンポジウム(3rd Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium)をZoom会議システム上におけるオンラインミーティングとして開催しました。




2021年3月24日 16:30-18:30JST

前日のシンポジウムに続き、若手研究者主体のオーガナイズによりワークショップ(The 1st young scientist workshop of the Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium on excitonics and cellular communication)を開催しました。会議参加者を本プロジェクトのコアメンバー限定にしたクローズドの会議とし、前日のシンポジウムより踏み込んだ内容で直近の実験・研究データについての発表と議論を行いました。29人の参加者による、3件の口頭発表と1時間以上のフリーディスカッションをもとに、現在進行中の共同研究内容の発展および新規プロジェクト展開の可能性について議論しました。

2021年6月2日 3か国合同会議 16:00-18:00JST

若手研究者主体のオーガナイズによりオンラインワークショップ(The 2nd young scientist workshop of the Australia-Belgium-Japan joint symposium on excitonics and cellular communication)を開催しました。会議参加者を本プロジェクトのコアメンバー限定にしたクローズドの会議とし、ベルギー・オーストラリア・日本の研究者により、直近の実験・研究データに関する情報交換と、実験案・企画会議を行いました。

2021年10月21-22日 16:00-18:10 JST  The 4th Australia-Belgium-Japan joint online open symposium on excitonics and cellular communication, and its satellite workshop @ Zoom





A joint symposium was held as an online meeting on the Zoom conference system in three countries.

The symposium was attended by 76 participants from the three core countries as well as Taiwan and China. A total of eight oral presentations were given on the main themes of this project, such as intercellular communication, intercellular matrix, and advanced imaging technology.

In addition, four speakers from outside the project were invited to exchange information on advanced cancer therapy research, extracellular matrix research, and advanced chemical biology research.

 Although the time was limited due to the time difference between the three countries, it was a very fruitful meeting where we could exchange knowledge based on fruitful discussions and discuss the development of the joint research already started and the possibility of new developments.

2022年8月4-5日 16:00-18:00 JST  The 5th Australia-Belgium-Japan joint online open symposium on excitonics and cellular communication, and its satellite workshop @ Zoom





 A three-country joint symposium was held as an online meeting of the Zoom system.
A total of 59 participants, including those from Taiwan and China as well as the three core countries, attended the symposium and reported on experimental progress and the emergence of derivative research on the project’s main themes of intercellular communication and intercellular matrix, and advanced imaging technology, based on a total of 11 oral presentations.
Again, two speakers from outside the project members were invited to exchange information on advanced 3D nanomaterials and theoretical and computational studies of aggregate materials.
  Although the time was limited due to the time difference between the three countries, the results of the latest research based on substantial discussions and the exchange of expertise were exchanged. The meeting was very fruitful, as we exchanged information on the development of the content of the ongoing joint research along the project and on the possibilities for new developments.

2023年3月20日 16:00-18:15 JST  The 6th Australia-Belgium-Japan joint online open symposium on excitonics and cellular communication @ Zoom





A joint symposium between three countries was conducted via an online Zoom meeting.

The symposium was attended by 31 participants from the three countries and featured five oral presentations on the main themes of the project: intercellular communication and matrix, advanced imaging technology, progress of ongoing experiments, and emerging derivative research.

Additionally, a speaker from outside the project was invited to share information on nanopharmaceutical-oriented advanced materials research.

Despite time constraints due to differences in time zones, the meeting facilitated fruitful discussions and exchange of the latest research results and expertise. The symposium served as a valuable opportunity to review past achievements as the project approaches its final year (FY2023) and to explore current and future possibilities for joint research and new developments centered on the project.

2023年11月24日 9:00-5:00 CET  The 7th Australia-Belgium-Japan joint online open symposium on excitonics and cellular communication @ KU Leuven, Belgium





A joint symposium of the three countries was held at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, as a hybrid of an on-site and partially hybrid event using the Zoom online system.

The symposium was attended by 34 participants from the three project countries and consisted of 8 oral and 7 poster presentations on the main themes of the project: intercellular communication and intercellular matrix, advanced imaging techniques, progress in ongoing experiments, and derivation and Emergence of the project was reported.

Two invited speakers also exchanged research information based on their talks on advanced research on human organoid/organic chip models and nano drugs for phototherapy.

  The latest research results were presented, mainly by young researchers, and there was a lively discussion based on the sharing of know-how that each research team has developed to date. As the project enters its final year, this symposium was an important opportunity to review its achievements to date and discuss specifics for future development (research and budget acquisition) based on this project, with a view to future development.
