1. Kenji Hirai*, Hiroshi Uji-i, ‘Molecular Assembly in Optical Cavitie’, Chem. Asian J., in press (DOI: 10.1002/asia.202401262)
  2. Ya Tian, Qiang Zhang, Kenji Hirai, Han Wen, Guilin Feng, Jiangtao Li, Farsai Taemaitree, Tomoko Inose, Kohsuke Kanekura, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Spatially Heterogeneous Dynamics of droplets formed by arginine-rich dipeptides and poly-A RNA during liquid-liquid phase separation’, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2024, 768(11), 403-409 , (DOI: doi.org/10.1080/15421406.2024.2353937)
  3. Kenji Hirai*, James Hutchison, Hiroshi Uji-i, ‘Optical Cavity Design and Functionality for Molecular Strong Coupling’, Chem. Eur. J., 2024, 30, e202303110 (DOI: doi.org/10.1002/chem.202303110)
  4. Tomoko Inose, Shuichi Toyouchi*, Shinnosuke Hara, Shoji Sugioka, Peter Walke, Rikuto Oyabu, Beatrice Fortuni, Wannes Peeters, Yuki Usami, Kenji Hirai, Steven De Feyter, Hiroshi Uji‐i, Yasuhiko Fujita*, Hirofumi Tanaka*, ‘Visualizing Ribbon‐to‐Ribbon Heterogeneity of Chemically Unzipped Wide Graphene Nanoribbons by Silver Nanowire‐Based Tip‐Enhanced Raman Scattering Microscopy’, Small, 2024, 20, 2301841   DOI: doi.org/10.1002/smll.202301841)
  5. Guilin Feng, Nozomu Suzuki, Qiang Zhang, Jiangrao Li, Tomoko Inose, Farsai Taemaitree, Muhammed Shameem K M, Shuichi Toyouchi, Yasuhiko Fujita, Kenji Hirai, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Light-mediated Covalently Patterned Graphene Substrate for Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering (GERS)’, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 11417-11420   DOI: doi.org/10.1039/d3cc03304j)
  6. Hideki Fujiwara,Seigo Daikokuya, Tatsuki Mirokuin, Kyohei hayashi, Mizuki Matsuzaka, Yuri Ohashi, Chrisophe Pin, Hideo Kaiju, Kenji Hirai, Hiroshi Uji-i, ‘Site-specific Synthesis of Conductive Graphitic Nanomaterials on a NiFe Thin Film by Localized Laser Irradiation’, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2023, 6, 13885-13893   DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.3c01272)
  7. Kenji Hirai*, James Hutchison, Hiroshi Uji-i, ‘Molecular Chemistry in Cavity Strong Coupling’, Chem. Rev., 2023, 123, 8099 - 8126 (DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00748)
  8. Beatrice Fortuni, Ricci, Monica; Raffaele Vitale, Tomoko Inose, Qiang Zhang, James Hutchison, Kenji Hirai, Yasuhiko Fujita, Shuichi Toyouchi, Sandra Krzyzowska, Indra van Zundert, Susana Rocha, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘SERS Endoscopy for Monitoring Intracellular Drug Dynamics’, ACS Sensors, 2023, 8, 2340 - 2347 (DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.3c00394)
  9. Qiang Zhang, Taku Murasugi, Kotomi Watanabe, Han Wen, Ya Tian, Monica Ricci, Susana Rocha, Tomoko Inose, Hitoshi Kasai, Farsai Taemaitree, Hiroshi Uji-i, Kenji Hirai*, Beatrice Fortuni, ‘Selective Detection of Intracellular Drug Metabolism by Metal-Organic Framework-Coated Plasmonic Nanowire’, Adv. Opt. Mater., in press  (Published: 21 May 2023/ DOI: doi.org/10.1002/adom.202300856)
  10. Guilin Feng, Tomoko Inose, Nozomu Suzuki, Han Wen, Farsai Taemaitree, Mathias Wolf, Shuichi Toyouchi, Yasuhiko Fujita, Kenji Hirai*, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Liquid-Phase Photo-induced Covalent Modification (PICM) of Single-Layer Graphene by Short-Chain Fatty Acids’, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 4932 - 4939  (Published: 8 February 2023/ DOI: doi.org/10.1039/D2NR06698J)
  11. Han Wen, Jiangtao Li, Qiang Zhang, Tomoko Inose, Wnnes Peeters, Beatrice Fortuni, Hitoshi Asakawa, Akito Masuhara, Kenji Hirai, Shuichi Toyouchi, Yasuhiko Fujita, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Length Controllable Gold-coated Silver Nanowire Probes for High AFM-TERS Activity’, Nano Lett., 2023, 23, 1615 - 1621  (Published: 6 December 2022/ DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03985)
  12. Mathias Wolf, Kenji Hirai*, Shuichi Toyouchi, Brent Daelemans, Eduard Frona, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Host and guest joining forces: a holistic approach for metal-organic frameworks in nonlinear optics’, J Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 9471 - 9477  (Published: 6 June 2022/ DOI: doi.org/10.1039/D2TC01075E)
  13. Kenji Hirai*, Hiroto Ishikawa, Yasufumi takahashi, James. A. Hutchison, Hiroshi Uji-i, ‘Autotuning of Vibrational Strong Coupling for Site-Selective Reactions’, Chem. Eur. J, 2022, 28, e202201260 (Published: 30 May 2022/ DOI: doi.org/10.1002/chem.202201260)
  14. Shuichi Toyouchi, Mathias Wolf, Guilin Feng, Yasuhiko Fujita, Beatrice Fortuni, Tomoko Inose, Kenji Hirai, Steven De Feyter, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘All-Optical and One-Color Rewritable Chemical Patterning on Pristine Graphene under Water’, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2022, 17, 3796 - 3803  (Published: 22 April 2022/ DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00446)
  15. Han Wen, Tomoko Inose*, Kenji Hirai, Taiki Akashi, Shoji Sugioka, Jiangtao Li, Wannes Peeters, Eduard Fron, Beatrice Fortuni, Yoshihiko Nakata, Susana Rocha, Shuichi Toyouchi, Yasuhiko Fujita, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Gold-coated silver nanowires for long lifetime AFM-TERS probes’, Nanoscale, 2022 , 14, 5439 - 5446 (Published: 10 Mar 2022/ DOI: doi.org/10.1039/D1NR07833J)
  16. Mathias Wolf, Shuichi Toyouchi, Peter Walke, Kazuki Umemoto, Akito Masuhara, Hiroshi Fukumura, Yuta Takano, Michio Yamada, Kenji Hirai, Eduard Fron, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Li@C60 thin films: characterization and nonlinear optical properties’, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 389-394 (Published: 21 Dec 2021/ DOI: 10.1039/d1ra08051b)
  17. Indra Van Zundert, Maria Bravo, Olivier Deschaume, Pierre Cybulski, Carmen Bartic, Johan Hofkens, Hiroshi Uji-i, Beatrice Fortuni*, Susana Rocha*, ‘Versatile and Robust Method for Antibody Conjugation to Nanoparticles with High Targeting Efficiency’, Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 2153 (Published: 14 Dec 2021/ DOI: 10.3390/ pharmaceutics13122153)
  18. Yu Kitamura, Emi Terado, Hirofumi Yoshikawa, Tomoko Inose, Hiroshi Uji-i, Masaharu Tanimizu, Satoki Okabayashi, Koichi Chiba, Akihiro Inokuchi, Yoshinobu Kamakura, Daisuke Tanaka*, ‘Failure-Experiment-Supported Optimization of Poorly Reproducible Synthetic Conditions for Novel Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks with Two-Dimensional Secondary Building Units’, Chem. Euro. J., 2021, 27, 16347 - 16353 (Published: 08 Oct 2021/ DOI: doi.org/10.1002/chem.202102404)
  19. Qiang Zhang, Tomoko Inose*, Monica Ricci, Jiangtao Li, Ya Tain, Han Wen, Shuichi Toyouchi, Eduard Fron, Anh Thi Ngoc Dao, Hitoshi Kasai, Susana Rocha, Kenji Hirai, Beatrice Fortuni*, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Gold-Photodeposited Silver Nanowire Endoscopy for Cytosolic and Nuclear pH Sensing’, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 9, 9886-9864 (Published: 07 Sep 2021/ DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c02363)
  20. Kenji Hirai*, Hiroto Ishikawa, Thibault Chervy, James A. Hutchison, Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Selective crystallization via vibrational strong coupling’, Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 11986–11994 (Published: 10 Aug 2021/ DOI: 10.1039/D1SC03706D)
  21. Kenji Hirai*, Hiroshi Uji-i, ‘Polariton Chemistry in Cavity Vacuum Fields’, Chem. Lett. 2021, 50(4), 727-732 (Published: 04 Jan 2021/ DOI: 10.1246/cl.200854)
  22. Monica Ricci, Beatrice Fortuni*, Raffaele Vitale, Qiang Zhang, Yasuhiko Fujita, Shuichi Toyouchi, Gang Lu, Susana Rocha, Tomoko Inose, Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Gold-Etched Silver Nanowire Endoscopy: Toward a Widely Accessible Platform for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Analysis in Living Cells', Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 12, 5037–5045. (Publication Date: 28 January 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c04120)
  23. K. Yamaguchi, K. Otomo, Y. Kozawa, M. Tsutsumi, T. Inose, K. Hirai, S. Sato, T. Nemoto*, H. Uji-i*, 'Adaptive Optical Two-photon Microscopy for Surface pro-filed Living Biological Specimens', ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 1, 438–447. (DOI:/10.1021/acsomega.0c04888)
  24. Kazuki Umemoto, Hinako Ebe, Ryota Sato, Junya Enomoto, Naoaki Oshita, Taisei Kimura, Tomoko Inose, Takahiro Nakamura, Takayuki Chiba, Satoshi Asakura, Hiroshi Uji-i*, Akito Masuhara*, 'Production of Highly Luminescent Organometal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals Using Ultrasound-Assisted Bead Milling', ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2020, 8, 44, 16469-16476 (DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c05171)
  25. Mathias Wolf, Kenji Hirai*, Shuichi Toyouchi, Eduard Fron, Wannes Peters, Steven De Feyter, Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Label-free visualization of heterogeneities and 10 defects in metal–organic frameworks using nonlinear optics', Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 13331 - 13334. (Accepted 7th October 2020, DOI: 10.1039/d0cc05470d.)
  26. Zhang, Guofeng*; Rocha, Susana; Lu, Gang; Yuan, Haifeng; Uji-i, Hiroshi; Floudas, George; Müllen, Klaus; Xiao, Liantuan; Hofkens, Johan; Debroye, Elke*, ‘Spatially and temporally resolved heterogeneities in a miscible polymer blend’, ACS Omega, 2020. (Publication Date:September 9, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c03173)
  27. Ryo Ohtani*, Kenichi Kawano, Masanao Kinoshita, Saeko Yanaka, Hikaru Watanabe, Kenji Hirai, Shiroh Futaki, Nobuaki Matsumori, Hiroshi Uji-i, Masaaki Ohba, Koichi Kato, Shinya Hayami*, "Pseudo-membrane jackets: Two- dimensional coordination polymers achieving visible phase separation in cell membrane", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 132, 18087-18093.(DOI: 10.1002/anie. 202006600. First Published: 30 June 2020)
  28. Qiang Zhang, Han Wen, Kiri Watanabe, Ibuki Kotani, Monica Ricci, Beatrice Fortuni, Anh Thi Ngoc Dao, Akito Masuhara, Kenji Hirai, Hitoshi Kasai, Tomoko Inose*, and Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Low-Cytotoxic Gold-Coated Silver Nanoflowers for Intracellular pH Sensing', ACS App. Nano. Mater. 2020, 3, 8, 7643–7650. (DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c01278. Publication Date: July 9, 2020).
  29. Farsai Taemaitree, Beatrice Fortuni*, Yoshitaka Koseki, Eduard Fron, Susana Rocha, Johan Hofkens, Hiroshi Uji-i, Tomoko Inose, Hitoshi Kasai*, 'FRET-based intracellular investigation of nanoprodrugs toward highly efficient anticancer drug delivery', Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 16710-16715. (First published 07 Aug 2020, DOI:10.1039/D0NR04910G)
  30. Kenji Hirai*, James A. Hutchison, Hiroshi Uji-i, 'Recent Progress in Vibropolaritonic Chemistry', ChemPlusChem 202  , 56, 9651-9654. (DOI.org/10.1002/cplu.202000411. Accepted Article published: 03.August 2020)
  31. Kangwei Xia, Wei-Yi Chianga, Cesar Javier Lockhart de la Rosa, Yasuhiko Fujita, Shuichi Toyouchi, Haifeng Yuan, Jia Sua, Hiroshi Masuhara, Stefan De Gendt, Steven De Feyter, Johan Hofkens, Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Photo-Induced Electrodeposition of Metallic Nanostructures on Graphene', Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11063-11069. (Publication Date:13 Apr 2020, DOI:10.1039/D0NR00934B)
  32. Monica Ricci, Martin G.T.A. Rutten, Shuichi Toyouchi, Sepa Nanayakkara, Beatrice Fortuni, Raffaele Vitale, Susana Rocha, Daniela A. Wilson, Johan Hofkens, Kei Saito and Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Two-Photon Induced [2+2] Cycloaddition of Bis-thymines: a Biocompatible and Reversible Approach', ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 20, 11547-11552. (Publication Date:May 12, 2020, DOI:10.1021/acsomega.0c00770)
  33. Shuichi Toyouchi, Mathias Wolf, Yusuke Nakao, Yasuhiko Fujita, Tomoko Inose, Beatrice Fortuni, Kenji Hirai, Johan Hofkens, Steven De Feyter, James A. Hutchison, Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Controlled Fabrication of Optical Signal Input/Output Sites on Plasmonic Nanowires', Nano Lett., 2020, 20, 4, 2460-2467. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05199. Publication Date: March 10, 2020)
  34. K. Hirai*, R. Takeda, J.A. Hutchison, H. Uji-i*, 'Modulation of Prins Cyclization by Vibrational Strong Coupling', Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 132, 5370 –5373. (published: 22 January 2020. DOI:10.1002/ange.201915632)
  35. Hans Van Gorp, Peter Walke, Joan Teyssandier, Brandon E. Hirsch, Hiroshi Uji-i, Kazukuni Tahara, Yoshito Tobe, Mark Van der Auweraer, Steven De Feyter*, 'On the Thermal Stability of Aryl Groups Chemisorbed on Graphite', J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 1980−1990. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b09808. Published: December 17, 2019)
  36. Masaki Takeda, Masaaki Yokoyama, Kazuki Umemoto, Bozhang Lyu, Yoshihito Takahashi, Sasiphapa Rodbuntum, Junya Enomoto, Keitaro Tozawa, Tomohiro Nohara, Keisuke Tabata, Ryota Sato, Takayuki Chiba, Satoshi Asakura, Hiroshi Uji-i and Akito Masuhara, 'Synthesis of highly luminescent CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals via a forced thin film reactor', Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2020, 59, Number SI (Published 6 March 2020)
  37. Tomoko Inose, Shuichi Toyouchi, Gang Lu, Kazuki Umemoto, Yuki Tezuka, Bozhang Lyu, Akito Masuhara, Eduard Fron, Yasuhiko Fujita, Kenji Hirai, and Hiroshi Uji-i*, "Water-mediated polyol synthesis of pencil-like sharp silver nanowires suitable for nonlinear plasmonics", Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 11630-11633.
  38. Matteo Boretto, Nina Maenhoudt, Xinlong Luo, Aurélie Hennes, Bram Boeckx, Bich Bui, Ruben Heremans, Lisa Perneel, Hiroto Kobayashi, Indra Van Zundert, Hilde Brems, Benoit Cox, Marc Ferrante, Hiroshi Uji-i, Kian Peng Koh, Thomas D'Hooghe, Arne Vanhie, Ignace Vergote, Christel Meuleman, Carla Tomassetti, Diether Lambrechts, Joris Vriens, Dirk Timmerman, Hugo Vankelecom, "Patient-derived organoids from endometrial disease capture clinical heterogeneity and are amenable to drug screening", Nature Cell Biology, 2019, 21, 1041
  39. Thanh Hai Phan, Hans Van Gorp, Zhi Li, Thi Mien Trung Huynh, Yasuhiko Fujita, Lander Verstraete, Samuel Eyley, Wim Thielemans, Hiroshi Uji-i, Brandon E. Hirsch, Stijn F. L. Mertens, John Greenwood, Oleksandr Ivasenko, Steven De Feyter, "Graphite and Graphene Fairy Circles: A Bottom-Up Approach for the Formation of Nanocorrals", ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 5559-5571.
  40. Gangamallaiah Velpula, Roald Phillipson, Jian Xiang Lian, David Cornil, Peter Walke, Ken Verguts, Steven Brems, Hiroshi Uji-i, Stefan De Gendt, David Beljonne, Roberto Lazzaroni, Kunal S. Mali, Steven De Feyter "Graphene Meets Ionic Liquids: Fermi Level Engineering via Electrostatic Forces", ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 3512−3521.
  41. B. Fortuni, T. Inose, M. Ricci, Y. Fujita, I. van Zundert, A. Masuhara, E. Fron, H. Mizuno, L. Latterini, S. Rocha, H. Uji-i*, "Polymeric Engineering of Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems", Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 2666.
  42. Benoit Cox, Emma Laporte, Annelies Vennekens, Hiroto Kobayashi, Charlotte Nys, Indra Van Zundert, Hiroshi Uji-i, Alizée Vercauteren Drubbel, Benjamin Beck, Heleen Roose, Matteo Boretto, Hugo Vankelecom, "Organoids from pituitary as a novel research model toward pituitary stem cell exploration", Journal of Endocrinology, 2019, 240, 287-308.
  43. Rashad Baiyasi, Seyyed Ali Hosseini Jebeli, Qingfeng Zhang, Liang Su, Johan Hofkens, Hiroshi Uji-i, Stephan Link, Christy F. Landes, "PSF Distortion in Dye–Plasmonic Nanomaterial Interactions: Friend or Foe?", ACS Photonics, 2019, 6, 3, 699-708.
  44. Xueting Zhai, Zhuoyao Li, Zichen Lu, Guilin Wang, Ping Li, Yongqian Gao, Xiao Huang, Wei Huang, Hiroshi Uji-i*, Gang Lu "Synthesis of 42-faceted bismuth vanadate microcrystals for enhanced photocatalytic activity", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 542, 207–212.
  45. P. Walke, S. Toyouchi, M. Wolf, W. Peeters, S. Prabhu, T. Inose, S. De Feyter, Y. Fujita, H. Uji-i,* "Facilitating Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering on Dielectric Substrates via Electrical Cutting of Silver Nanowire Probes", J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9, 7117−7122.
  46. H. De Keersmaecker, R. Camacho, D. M. Rantasa, E. Fron, H. Uji-i, H. Mizuno, S. Rocha "Mapping Transient Protein Interactions at the Nanoscale in Living Mammalian Cells" ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (10), 9842–9854.
  47. Peter Walke, Yasuhiko Fujita, Wannes Peeters, Shuichi Toyouchi, Wout Frederickx, Steven De Feyter, Hiroshi Uji-i*, 'Silver nanowires for highly reproducible cantilever based AFM-TERS microscopy: towards a universal TERS probe', Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 7556–7565.
  48. Wout Frederickx, Susana Rocha, Yasuhiko Fujita, Koen Kennes, Herlinde De Keersmaecker, Steven De Feyter, Hiroshi Uji-i*, and Willem Vanderlinden , ‘Orthogonal Probing of Single Molecule Heterogeneity by Correlative Fluorescence and Force Microscopy’, ACS Nano 2018 12, 168-177. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b05405 (Published: Dec 19 2017)
  49. Rebeca Sola-Llano, Yasuhiko Fujita, Luis Gómez-Hortigüela, Almudena Alfayate, Hiroshi Uji-i, Eduard Fron, Shuichi Toyouchi, Joaquín Pérez-Pariente, Iñigo López-Arbeloa, and Virginia Martínez-Martínez, One-Directional Antenna Systems: Energy Transfer from Monomers to J-Aggregates within 1D Nanoporous Aluminophosphates, ACS Photonics, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00553
  50. B. Fortuni*, T. Inose*, S. Uezono, S. Toyouchi, K. Umemoto, S. Sekine, Y. Fujita, M. Ricci, G. Lu, A. Masuhara, J. A. Hutchison, L. Latterini, H. Uji-i, ‘In-situ synthesis of Au-shelled Ag nanoparticles on PDMS for flexible, long-life, and broad spectrum-sensitive SERS substrates’, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 11298-11301. DOI: 10.1039/C7CC05420C.
  51. Rahmoun, S; Mairesse, F; Uji-i, H; Hofkens, J; Sliwa, T, “Curve computation by geodesics and graph modelling for polymer analysis”, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2017, 11, 1469-1476
  52. Yasuhiko Fujita*, Remko Aubert, Peter Walke, Haifeng Yuan, Bart Kenens, Tomoko Inose, Beatrice Fortuni, Maha Chamtouri, Kris Jansen, Steven De Feyter, Maarten B. J.  Roeffaers, Hiroshi Uji-i*, “Highly controllable direct femtosecond laser writing of gold nanostructures on titanium dioxide surfaces”, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13025-13033,
  53. Remko Aubert, Bart Kenens, Maha Chamtouri, Yasuhiko Fujita, Beatrice Fortuni, Gang Lu, James A. Hutchison, Tomoko Inose, Hiroshi Uji-i*, “Surface density-of-states engineering of anataseTiO2 by small polyols for enhanced visible-light photocurrent generation” ACS Omega, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b00853.
  54. Gang Lu, Haifeng Yuan, Liang Su, Bart Kenens, Yasuhiko Fujita, Maha Chamtouri, Maria Pszona, Eduard Fron, Jacek Waluk, Johan Hofkens, and Hiroshi Uji-i*, ‘Plasmon-Mediated Surface Engineering of Silver Nanowires for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering’ J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  2017, 8, 2774–2779
  55. B. Fortuni, Y. Fujita, M. Ricci, T. Inose, R. Aubert, G. Lu, J. A. Hutchison, J. Hofkens, L. Latterini, H. Uji-i* “A novel method for in situ synthesis of SERS-active gold nanostars on polydimethylsiloxane film”, Chem.Commun., 2017, 53, 5121-5124.
  56. Zhi Li, Hans Van Gorp, Peter Walke, Thanh Hai Phan, Yasuhiko Fujita, John Greenwood, Oleksandr Ivasenko, Kazukuni Tahara, Yoshito Tobe, Hiroshi Uji-i, Stijn F. L. Mertens, Steven De Feyte, “Area-selective passivation of sp(2) carbon surfaces by supramolecular self-assembly”, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 5188-5193.
  57. Maha Chamtouri, Bart Kenens, Remko Aubert, Gang Lu, Tomoko Inose, Yasuhiko Fujita, Akito Masuhara, Johan Hofkens, and Hiroshi Uji-i, “Facet-Dependent Diol-Induced Density of States of Anatase TiO2 Crystal Surface”, ACS Omega, 2017, 2 (7), 4032–4038
  58. Roald Philipson, César J. Lockhart de la Rosa, Joan Teyssandier, Peter Walke, Deepali Waghray, Yasuhiko Fujita, Jinne Adisoejoso, Kunal S. Mali, Inge Asselberghs, Cedric Huyghebaert, Hiroshi Uji-i, Stefan De Gendt, Steven Del Feyter, "Tunable doping of graphene by using physisorbed self-assembled networks", Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 20017-20026. DOI: 10.1039/C6NR07912A
  59. B. Kenens, M. Chamtouri, R. Aubert, K. Miyakawa, Y. Hayasaka, H. Naiki, H. Watanabe, T. Inose, Y. Fujita, G. Lu, A. Masuhara, H. Uji-i, "Solvent-induced improvement of Au Photo-deposition and resulting Photo-catalytic efficiency of Au/TiO2", RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 97464-97468. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19372B.
  60. R. Sola-Llano, V. Martínez-Martínez, Y. Fujita, L. Gómez-HortigüelAlfayate, H. Uji-i, E. Fron, J. Pérez-Pariente, I. Lopéz-Arbeloa, "Formation of a Nonlinear Optical Host-Guest Hybrid Material by Tight Confinement of LDS 722 into Aluminophosphate 1D Nanochannels", Chem. Eur. J. 22, 1-13, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/chem.2016173.
  61. L. Su, H. Yuan, G. Lu, G, S. Rocha, M. Orrit, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i, “Super-resolution Localization and Defocused Fluorescence Microscopy on Resonantly Coupled Single-Molecule, Single-Nanorod HybridsACS Nano 2016, 10, 2455-2466.
  62. Haifeng Yuan, Elke Debroye, Kris Janssen, Hiroyuki Naiki, Christian Steuwe, Gang Lu, Michel̀e Moris, Emanuele Orgiu, Hiroshi Uji-i, Frans De Schryver, Paolo Samorì, Johan Hofkens, Maarten Roeffaers ”Degradation of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Structures through Light and Electron Beam Driven Ion Migration”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 561−566.
  63. Masoumeh Keshavarz, Hans Engelkamp, Jialiang Xu, Els Braeken, Matthijs B. J. Otten, Hiroshi Uji-i, Erik Schwartz, Matthieu Koepf, Anja Vananroye, Jan Vermant, Roeland J. M. Nolte, Frans De Schryver, Jan C. Maan, Johan Hofkens, Peter C. M. Christianen†, Alan E. Rowan, “Nanoscale Study of Polymer Dynamics”, ACS Nano, 2016, 10 (1), 1434–1441.
  64. Yasuhiko Fujita, Peter Walke, Gang Lu, Maha Chamtouri, Steven De Feyter, Hiroshi Uji-i, “Surface plasmon-assisted Site-specific Cutting of Silver nanowires using femtosecond laser”, Adv. Mater. Technol. 2016, DOI: 10.1002/admt.201600014.
  65. Hannelore Bové, Christian Steuwe, Eduard Fron, Eli Slenders, Jan D’Haen, Yasuhiko Fujita, Hiroshi Uji-i, Martin vandeVen, Maarten Roeffaers, Marcel Ameloot, “Biocompatible Label-Free Detection of Carbon Black Particles by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Microscopy”, Nano Lett. 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00502.
  66.  Y. Fujita*, P. Walke, S. De Feyter, H. Uji-i, “Remote excitation-tip-enhanced Raman scattering microscopy using silver nanowire”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2016, 55, 08NB03. DOI: 10.7567/JJAP.55.08NB03
  67. Y. Fujita*, P. Walke, S. De Feyter, H. Uji-i, “Tip-enhanced Raman scattering microscopy: Recent advance in tip production”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2016, 55, 08NB02. DOI: 10.7567/JJAP.55.08NA02
  68. L. Su, G. Lu, B. Kenens, S. Rocha, E. Fron, H. Yuan, C. Chen, P. Van Dorpe, M. B. J. Roeffaers, H. Mizuno, J. Hofkens, J. A. Hutchison, H. Uji-i*, “Visualization of molecular-fluorescence point spread functions via remote excitation switching fluorescence microscopy”, Nature Commun. 2015, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7287.
  69. C. Raimondo, B. Kenens, F. Reinders, M. Mayor, H. Uji-i, P. Samorì, “Au nanoparticle scaffolds modulating intermolecular interactions among conjugated azobenzenes chemisorbed on curved surfaces: Tuning the kinetics of cis-trans isomerisation”, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 13836-13839.
  70. J. Greenwood, T. H. Phan, Y. Fujita, Z. Li, O. Lvasenko, W.Vanderlinden, H.Van Gorp,  W. Frederickx, G. Lu, K. Tahara, Y. Tobe,  H. Uji-i* S. F. L. Mertens, S. De Feyter,  “Covalent Modification of Graphene and Graphite Using Diazonium Chemistry: Tunable Grafting and Nanomanipulation”, ACS Nano 2015, 9, 5520-5535.
  71. H. Yuan, K. P. F. Janssen, T. Franklin, G. Lu, L. Su,  X. Gu, H. Uji-i,  M. B. J.  Roeffaers, J. Hofkens, “Reshaping anisotropic gold nanoparticles through oxidative etching: the role of the surfactant and nanoparticle surface curvature”, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 6829-6833.
  72. J. A. Hutchison, H. Uji-i*, A. Deres, T. Vosch, S. Rocha, S. Mueller, A. A. Bastian,  J. Enderlein, H. Nourouzi, C. Li, A. Herrmann, D. Müllen,  F. De Schryver, J. Hofkens, “A surface-bound molecule that undergoes optically biased Brownian rotation”, Nature Nanotechnol., 2014, 9, 131-136.
  73. M. Li, D. den Boer, P. Iavicoli, J. Adisoejoso, H. Uji-i, M. Van der Auweraer, D. B. Amabilino, J. A. A. W. Elemans, S. De Feyter, “Tip-Induced Chemical Manipulation of Metal Porphyrins at a Liquid/Solid Interface”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 17418-17421.
  74. G. Lu, H. De Keersmaecker, L. Su, B. Kenens, S. Rocha, E. Fron, C.  Chen, P. Van Dorpe,  H. Mizuno, J. Hofkens, J. A. Hutchison, H. Uji-i*,“Live cell SERS endoscopy using plasmonic nanowire waveguides”, Advanced Materials, 2014. 26, 5124-5128.
  75. Y. Fujita, R. Chiba, G. Lu, N. Horimoto, S. Kajimoto, H. Fukumura, H. Uji-i*,“Silver nanowire-based tip suitable for STM tip-enhanced Raman scattering“, Chem. Commun. 2014. 50, 9839-9841.
  76. S. Rocha, H. De Keersmaecker, J. A. Hutchison, K. Vanhoorelbeke, J. A. Martens, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i*, “Membrane Remodeling Processes Induced by Phospholipase Action”, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 4743-4751.
  77. R. M. A. Vergauwe, H. Uji-i, K. De Ceunynck, J. Vermant, K. Vanhoorelbeke, J. Hofkens, “Shear-Stress-Induced Conformational Changes of von Willebrand Factor in a Water−Glycerol Mixture Observed with Single Molecule Microscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 5660−5669.
  78. S. Rocha, H. De Keersmaecker, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, H. Mizuno,  “Photoswitchable Fluorescent Proteins for Superresolution Fluorescence Microscopy Circumventing the Diffraction Limit of Light”, Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Methods and Protocols, 2014, 1076, 793-812.
  79. K. De Ceunynck, S. Rocha, S. F. De Meyer, J. E. Sadler, H. Uji-i, H. Deckmyn, J. Hofkens,  K. Vanhoorelbeke,  “Single Particle Tracking of ADAMTS13 (A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease with Thrombospondin Type-1 Repeats) Molecules on Endothelial von Willebrand Factor Strings”, J. Biological Chem., 2014, 289, 8903-8915.
  80. H. De Keersmaecker, S. Rocha, E. Fron, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, H. Mizuno, “EGF Receptor Dynamics in EGF-Responding Cells Revealed by functional imaging during single particle”, Biophysical Reviews and Letters, 2013, 8, 229-242.
  81. K. E. P. De Ceunynck, S. Rocha, S. F. De Meyer, H. Uji-i, H. Deckmyn, J. Hofkens, K. Vanhoorelbeke,  “ADAMTS13 meets von Willebrand factor strings: a single molecule approach”, Journal of Thrombosis and Homeostasis, 2013, 11, 120-121.
  82. T. Tada, Y. Katsumoto, K. Goossens, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, T. Shoji, N. Kitamura, Y. Tsuboi,  “Accelerating the Phase Separation in Aqueous Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) Solutions by Slight Modification of the Polymer Stereoregularity: A Single Molecule Fluorescence Study”, J. Phsy. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 10818 - 10824.
  83. L. Marin, M-C. Popescu, A. Zabulica, H. Uji-i, E. Fron,  “Chitosan as matrix for bio-polymer dispersed liquid crystal systems”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 95, 16 - 24.
  84. J. Xu, S. Semin, D. Niedzialek, P. H. J. Kouwer, E. Fron, E. Coutino, M. Savoini, Y. Li,  J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i, D. Beljonne, T. Rasing, A. E. Rowan, “Self-Assembled Organic Microfibers for Nonlinear Optics”, Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 2084 - 2089.
  85. B. Kenens, M. Rybachuk, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i*,  “Silver Nanowires Terminated by Metallic Nanoparticles as Effective Plasmonic Antennas”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 2547 - 2553.
  86. A. Paul, B. Kenens, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i*,  “Excitation Polarization Sensitivity of Plasmon-Mediated Silver Nanotriangle Growth on a Surface”, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 8920 - 8925.
  87. L. Hongzhen S. P. Centeno, L. Su, B. Kenens, S. Rocha, M. Sliwa, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i*,  “Mapping of Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence on Metal Nanoparticles using Super-Resolution Photoactivation Localization Microscopy”, ChemPhysChem, 2012, 13, 973 - 981.
  88. J. Ye, J. A. Hutchison, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, L. Lagae, G. Maes, G. Borghs, P. Van Dorpe, “Excitation wavelength dependent surface enhanced Raman scattering of 4-aminothiophenol on gold nanorings”, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 1606 - 1611.
  89. K. G. M. Laurier, M. Poets, F. Vermoortele, G. De Cremer, J. A. Martens, H. Uji-i, D. E. De Vos, J. Hofkens, M. Roeffaers,  “Photocatalytic growth of dendritic silver nanostructures as SERS substrates”, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 1559 - 1561.
  90. A. Deres, G. A Floudas, K. Müllen, M. Van der Auweraer, F. De Schryver, J. Enderlein, H. Uji-i*, Hofkens, J, “The Origin of Heterogeneity of Polymer Dynamics near the Glass Temperature As Probed by Defocused Imaging”, Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 9703 - 9709.
  91. M. Lehmann, S. Rocha, B. Mangeat, F. Blanchet, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, V. Piguet, “Quantitative Multicolor Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Tetherin HIV-1 Interaction”, Plos Pathogens, 2011, 7, e1002456.
  92. K. De Ceunynck, S. Rocha, H. B. Feys, S. F. De Meyer, H. Uji-i, H. Deckmyn, J. Hofkens,  K. Vanhoorelbeke, “Local Elongation of Endothelial Cell-anchored von Willebrand Factor Strings Precedes ADAMTS13 Protein-mediated Proteolysis”, J. Biol. Chem. 2011, 286, 36361 - 36367.
  93. J. Hofkens,  H. Uji-i, “Single molecule study of polymers, Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc, 2011, 242, 540-PHYS.
  94. H. Lin, T. Ohta, A. Paul, J. A. Hutchison, K. Demid, O. Lebedev, G Van Tendeloo, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i*, “Light-assisted nucleation of silver nanowires during polyol synthesis”, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 2011, 221, 220 - 223.
  95. M. Lehmann,  S. Rocha, B. Mangeat, F. Blanchet, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, V. Piguet,  “Quantitative multicolour super-resolution microscopy reveals tetherin HIV-1 interaction”, British Journal of Dermatology, 2011, 164, 918 - 918.
  96. R. Ameloot, E. Gobechiya, H. Uji-i, J. A. Martens, J. Hofkens, L. Alaerts, B. F. Sels, D. E. De Vos, “Direct Patterning of Oriented Metal-Organic Framework Crystals via Control over Crystallization Kinetics in Clear Precursor Solutions”, Advanced Materials, 2010, 22, 2685 - 2688.
  97. M. Gudmand, S. Rocha, N. S. Hatzakis, K. Peneva, K. Müllen, D. Stamou, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, T. Bjornholm, T. Heimburg, “Influence of Lipid Heterogeneity and Phase Behavior on Phospholipase A(2) Action at the Single Molecule Level”, Biophys. J., 2010, 98, 1873 - 1882.
  98. E. Fron, A. Deres, S. Rocha, G. Zhou, K. Müllen, F. C. De Schryver, M. Sliwa, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, T. Vosch, “Unraveling Excited-State Dynamics in a Polyfluorene-Perylenediimide Copolymer”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114, 1277 - 1286.
  99. K. Blank, S. Rocha, G. De Cremer, M. B. J. Roeffaers, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, “Watching Individual Enzymes at Work”, Single molecule spectroscopy, spectroscopy in chemistry, physics and biology,  2010, 96, 495 - 511.
  100. Chen C; Hutchison, J.A; Clemente, F; Kox, R; Uji-I, H; Hofkens, J; Lagae, L; Maes, G; Borghs, G; Van Dorpe, P, “Direct Evidence of High Spatial Localization of Hot Spots in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 9932 - 9935.
  101. Chen C; Hutchison, J.A; Van Dorpe, P; Kox, R; De Vlaminck, I; Uji-i, H; Hofkens, J; Lagae, L; Maes, G; Borghs, G, “Focusing Plasmons in Nanoslits for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering”, Small, 2009, 5, 2876 - 2882.
  102. Vosch, T; Fron, E; Hotta, J; Deres, A; Uji-i, H; Idrissi, A; Yang, J; Kim, D; Puhl, L; Haeuseler, A; Muellen, K; De Schryver, F C; Sliwa, M; Hofkens, J, “Synthesis, Ensemble, and Single Molecule Characterization of a Diphenyl-Acetylene Linked Perylenediimide Trimer”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 11773 - 11782.
  103. Kim, T- Y; Uji-i, H; Moeller, M; Muls, B; Hofkens, J; Alexiev, U, “Monitoring the Interaction of a Single G-Protein Key Binding Site with Rhodopsin Disk Membranes upon Light Activation”, Biochem. 2009, 48, 3801 - 3803.
  104. Dedecker, P, M; B; Deres; A; Uji-i, H; Hotta, J; Sliwa, M; Soumillion, J- P; Muellen, K; Enderlein, J; Hofkens, J, “Defocused Wide-field Imaging Unravels Structural and Temporal Heterogeneity in Complex Systems”, Advanced Materials, 2009, 21, 1079 - 1090.
  105. J. A. Hutchison, S. P. Centeno,  H. Odaka, H. Fukumura, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i,  “Subdiffraction Limited, Remote Excitation of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering”, Nano Lett., 2009, 9, 995 - 1001.
  106. S. Rocha, J. A. Hutchison, K. Peneva, A. Herrmann, K. Müllen, M. Skjot, C. I. Jorgensen, A. Svendsen, F. C. De Schryver, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i, “Linking Phospholipase Mobility to Activity by Single-Molecule Wide-Field Microscopy”, ChemPhysChem, 2009, 10, 151 - 161.
  107. Chen, C; Hutchison, J A; Clemente, F; Kox, R; Uji-i, H; Hofkens, J; Lagae, L; Maes, G; Borghs, G; Van Dorpe, P, “Direct Evidence of High Spatial Localization of Hot Spots in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering”, Angew. Chem. Int.  Ed., 2009, 48, 9932 - 9935.
  108. D. Wöll, E. Braekin, A. Deres, F. C. De Schryver, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, “Polymers and single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, what can we learn?Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 313-328.
  109. M. L. Tran, S. P. Centeno, J. A. Hutchison, H. Engelkamp, D. Liang, G. Van Tendeloo, B. F.  Sels, J. Hofkens, H. Uji-i, “Control of Surface Plasmon Localization via Self-Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles along Silver Nanowires”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 17240-17241.
  110. Tahara, K; Lei, S; Mamdouh, W; Yamaguchi, Y; Ichikawa, T; Uji-I, H; Sonoda, M; Hirose, K; De Schryver, FC; De Feyter, S; Tobe, Y, “Site-selective guest inclusion in molecular networks of butadiyne-bridged pyridino and benzeno square macrocycles on a surface”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 6666-6667.
  111. Roeffaers, MBJ; Ameloot, R; Baruah, M; Uji-i, H; Bulut, M; De Cremer, G; Muller, U; Jacobs, PA; Hofkens, J; Sels, BF; De Vos, DE, “Morphology of large ZSM-5 crystals unraveled by fluorescence microscopy”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 5763-5772. 
  112. Yang, J; Park, M; Yoon, ZS; Hori, T; Peng, XB; Aratani, N; Dedecker, P; Hotta, JI; Uji-i, H; Sliwa, M; Hofkens, J; Osuka, A; Kim, D, “Excitation energy migration processes in cyclic porphyrin Arrays probed by single molecule spectroscopy”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 1879-1884.
  113. Katsonis, N; Minoia, A; Kudernac, T; Mutai, T; Xu, H; Uji-i, H; Lazzaroni, R; De Feyter, S; Feringa, BL, “Locking of helicity and shape complementarity in diarylethene dimers on graphite”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 386-387.
  114. Woell, D; Uji-i, H; Schnitzler, T; Hotta, JI; Dedecker, P; Herrmann, A; De Schryver, FC; Muellen, K; Hofkens, J, “Radical polymerization tracked by single molecule spectroscopy”, Angew. Chem. Int.  Ed., 2008, 47, 783-787.
  115. Peneva, K; Mihov, G; Nolde, F; Rocha, S; Hotta, J; Braeckmans, K; Hofkens, J; Uji-i, H; Herrmann, A; Mullen, K, “Water-soluble monofunctional perylene and terrylene dyes: Powerful labels for single-enzyme tracking”, Angew. Chem. Int.  Ed., 2008, 47, 3372-3375.
  116. Dedecker, P; Hotta, JI; Flors, C; Sliwa, M; Uji-i, H; Roeffaers, MBJ; Ando, R; Mizuno, H; Miyawaki, A; Hofkens, J, “Subdiffraction imaging through the selective donut-mode depletion of thermally stable photoswitchable fluorophores: Numerical analysis and application to the fluorescent protein Dronpa”, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2007, 129, 16132-16141.
  117. Flors, C; Hotta, J; Uji-i, H; Dedecker, P; Ando, R; Mizuno, H; Miyawaki, A; Hofkens, J, ”A stroboscopic approach for fast photoactivation-localization microscopy with Dronpa mutants”, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2007, 129, 13970 - 13977.
  118. Roeffaers, M B J; De Cremer, G; Uji-i, H; Muls, B; Sels, B F; Jacobs, P A; De Schryver, F C; De Vos, D E; Hofkens, J, “Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy in (bio)catalysis”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2007, 104, 12603 - 12609.
  119. Park, M; Yoon, M; Yoon, Z S; Hori, T; Peng, X; Aratani, N; Hotta, J; Uji-i, H; Sliwa, M; Hofkens, J; Osuka, A; Kim, D, “Single-molecule spectroscopic investigation of energy migration processes in cyclic porphyrin arrays”, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2007, 129, 3539 - 3544.
  120. Melnikov, S M; Yeow, E K L; Uji-i, H; Cotlet, M; Muellen, K; De Schryver, F C; Enderlein, J; Hofkens, J, “Origin of simultaneous donor-acceptor emission in single molecules of peryleneimide-terrylenediimide labeled polyphenylene dendrimers”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 708 - 719.
  121. Cheng, X; Heyen, A V; Mamdouh, W; Uji-i, H; De Schryver, F; Hoeger, S; De Feyter, S, “Synthesis and adsorption of shape-persistent macrocycles containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the rigid framework”, Langumuir, 2007, 23, 1281 - 1286.
  122. Roeffaers, M B J; Sels, B F; Uji-i, H; Blanpain, B; L'hoest, P; Jacobs, P A; De Schryver, F C; Hofkens, J; De Vos, D E. “Space- and time-resolved visualization of acid catalysis in ZSM-5 crystals by fluorescence microscopy”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 1706 - 1709.
  123. Dedecker, P; Flors, C; Hotta, J; Uji-i, H; Hofkens, J, “3D nanoscopy: Bringing biological nanostructures into sharp focus”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 8330 - 8332.
  124. De Feyter, S; Miura, A; Uji-i, H; Jonkheijm, P; Schenning, APHJ; Meijer, EW; Chen, Z; Wurthner, F; Schuurmans, N; van Esch, J; Feringa, B; De Schryver, FC, “Supramolecular chemistry at the liquid/solid interface a scanning tunnelling microscopy approach”, Diffusion and Defect Data Part B, 2007, 121-123, 369 - 372.
  125. Tahara, K; Furukawa, S; Uji-i, H; Uchino, T; Ichikawa, T; Zhang, J; Mamdouh, W; Sonoda, M; De Schryver, F C; De Feyter, S; Tobe, Y, “Two-dimensional porous molecular networks of dehydrobenzo[12]annulene derivatives via alkyl chain interdigitation”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 16613 - 16625.
  126. Puigmarti-Luis, J; Minoia, A; Uji-i, H; Rovira, C; Cornil, J; De Feyter, S; Lazzaroni, R; Amabilino, D B, “Noncovalent control for bottom-up assembly of functional supramolecular wires”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, 12602 - 12603, 2006.
  127. Hotta, J; Uji-i, H; Hofkens, J, “The fabrication of a thin, circular polymer film based phase shaper for generating doughnut modes”, Optics Express, 2006, 14, 6273 - 6278.
  128. Furukawa, S; Uji-i, H; Tahara, K; Ichikawa, T; Sonoda, M; De Schryver, FC; Tobe, Y; De Feyter, S, “Molecular geometry directed Kagome and honeycomb networks: Toward two-dimensional crystal engineering”, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2006, 128, 3502 - 3503.
  129. Uji-i, H; Melnikov, SM; Deres, A; Bergamini, G; De Schryver, F; Herrmann, A; Mullen, K; Enderlein, J; Hofkens, J, “Visualizing spatial and temporal heterogeneity of single molecule rotational diffusion in a glassy polymer by defocused wide-field imaging”, Polymer, 2006, 47, 2511 - 2518.
  130. Roeffaers, MBJ; Sels, BF; Uji-i, H; De Schryver, FC; Jacobs, PA; De Vos, DE; Hofkens, J, “Spatially resolved observation of crystal-face-dependent catalysis by single turnover counting”, Nature, 2006, 439, 572 - 575.
  131. Uji-i, H; Foubert, P; De Schryver, FC; De Feyter, S; Gicquel, E; Etoc, A; Moucheron, C; Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, A, “[Ru(TAP)(3)](2+)-photosensitized DNA cleavage studied by atomic force microscopy and gel electrophoresis: A comparative study”, Chem. A Euro. J., 2006, 12, 758 - 762.
  132. Mamdouh, W; Uji-i, H; Ladislaw, JS; Dulcey, AE; Percec, V; De Schryver, FC; De Feyter, S, “Solvent controlled self-assembly at the liquid-solid interface revealed by STM”, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2006, 128, 317 - 325.
  133. Verheijen, W; Uji-i, H; Flors, C; Hotta, J; Hofkens, J. ”Probing dynamics of individual bio molecules by single molecule spectroscopy” - art. no. 609201, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Intst. Eng., 2006, 6092, 9201-9201.
  134. De Feyter, S; Uji-i, H; Mamdouh, W; Miura, A; Zhang, J; Jonkheijm, P; Schenning, A. P. H. J; Meijer, E. W; Chen, Z; Wuerthner, F; Schuurmans, N; van Esch, J; Feringa, B. L; Dulcey, A. E; Percec, V; De Schryver, F C, “Supramolecular chemistry at the liquid/solid interface probed by scanning tunnelling microscopy”, Int. J. Nanotech., 2006, 3, 462 - 479.
  135. Abdel-Mottaleb, MMS; Gomar-Nadal, E; Surin, M; Uji-i, H; Mamdouh, W; Veciana, J; Lemaur, V; Rovira, C; Cornil, J; Lazzaroni, R; Amabilino, DB; De Feyter, S De Schryver, FC, “Self-assembly of tetrathiafulvalene derivatives at a liquid/solid interface - compositional and constitutional influence on supramolecular ordering”, J. Meter. Chem., 2005, 15, 4601 - 4615.
  136. Muls, B; Uji-i, H; Melnikov, S; Moussa, A; Verheijen, W; Soumillion, JP; Josemon, J; Mullen, K; Hofkens, J, “Direct measurement of the end-to-end distance of individual polyfluorene polymer chains”, ChemPhysChem, 2005, 6, 2286 - 2294.
  137. Fukumura, H; L-i, D; Uji-i, H; Nishio, S; Sakai, H; Ohuchi, A, “Image contrast analysis of STM images of self-assembled dioctadecyl chalcogenides on graphite at the liquid-solid interface”, ChemPhysChem, 2005, 6, 2383 - 2388.
  138. Uji-i, H; Miura, A; Schenning, A; Meijer, EW; Chen, ZJ; Wurthner, F; De Schryver, FC; Van der Auweraer, M;  De Feyter, S, “Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of donor-acceptor-donor triads at the liquid/solid interface”, ChemPhysChem, 2005, 6, 2389 - 2395.
  139. Nishio, S; I-i, D; Matsuda, H; Yoshidome, M; Uji-i, H; Fukumura, H, “Formation of molecular wires by nanospace polymerization of a diacetylene derivative induced with a scanning tunneling microscope at a solid-liquid interface”, J. J. Appl. Phys., 2005, 44, 5417 - 5420.
  140. Uji-i, H;  Nishio, S; Fukumura, H, “Electronic properties of a pi-stacked pyrene derivative at a liquid-solid interface studied with scanning tunneling spectroscopy”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2005, 408, 112 - 117.
  141. Schenning, APHJ; Jonkheijm, P; Hoeben, FJM; van Herrikhuyzen, J; Meskers, SCJ; Meijer, EW; Herz, LM; Daniel, C; Silva, C; Phillips, RT; Friend, RH; Beljonne, D; Miura, A; De Feyter, S; Zdanowska, M Uji-i, H; De Schryver, FC Chen, Z; Wurthner, F; Mas-Torrent, M; den Boer, D; Durkut, M; Hadley, P, “Towards supramolecular electronics”, Synthetic Metals, 2004, 147, 43 - 48.
  142. Nishio, S; Yoshidome, M; Uji-i, H; Hobley, J; Fukumura, H; Zachariasse, KA, “Structure of intermolecular donor-acceptor monolayers of N,N-dimethyl-p-[15-(1-pyrenyl)pentadecanyl]aniline”, Chem. Lett., 2004, 33, 1506 - 1507.
  143. Schuurmans, N; Uji-i, H; Mamdouh, W;; De Schryver, FC;;  Feringa, BL; van Esch, J; De Feyter, S, “Design and STM investigation of intramolecular folding in self-assembled monolayers on the surface”, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,  2004, 126, 13884 - 13885.
  144. Mamdouh, W; Uji-i, H; Gesquiere, A; De Feyter, S; Amabilino, DB; Abdel-Mottaleb, MMS; Veciana, J; De Schryver, FC, “A nanoscale view of supramolecular stereochemistry in self-assembled monolayers of enantiomers and racemates”, Langmuir, 2004, 20, 9628 - 9635.
  145. Mamdouh, W; Uji-i, H; Dulcey, AE; Percec, V; De Feyter, S; De Schryver, FC, “Expression of molecular chirality and two-dimensional supramolecular self-assembly of chiral, racemic, and achiral monodendrons at the liquid-solid interface”, Langmuir, 2004, 20, 7678 - 7685.
  146. Miura, A; Chen, ZJ; Uji-i, H; De Feyter, S; Zdanowska, M; Jonkheijm, P; Schenning, APHJ; Meijer, EW; Wurthner, F; De Schryver, FC, “Bias-dependent visualization of electron donor (D) and electron acceptor (A) moieties in a chiral DAD triad molecule”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 14968 - 14969.
  147. Uji-i, H.; Yoshidome, M.;; Hobley, J.; Hatanaka, K.; Fukumura, H, “Structural variations in self-assembled monolayers of 1-pyrenehexadecanoic acid and 4,4'-bipyridyl on graphite at the liquid-solid interface”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 4231 - 4235.
  148. Uji-i, H; Hatanaka, K;; Hobley, J; Fukumura, H, “Nanospark at the interface between organic solvents and tin-doped indium oxide”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2001, 79, 2660 - 2662.
  149. Hobley, J; Goto, M; Kishimoto, M; Fukumura, H; Uji-i, H; Irie, M, “Sub-micrometer photochromic patterns using laser induced molecular implantation techniques (LIMIT)”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2000, 345, 623.
  150. Fukumura, H; Uji-i, H; Banjo, H; Masuhara, H; Karnakis, DM; Ichinose, N; Kawanishi, S; Uchida, K; Irie, M, “Laser implantation of photochromic molecules into polymer films: a new approach towards molecular device fabrication”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 1998, 127, 761 - 766.


Uji-i Laboratory - Nanomterials and Nanoscopy
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