The Research Institute for Electronic Science is promoting research and human exchange through international collaboration. We have concluded exchange agreements with laboratories and centers in each country (Asia: 6, Europe, USA: 4), and exchange staff and students, joint symposium etc. and joint research project are carried out. The Promotion Office for International Alliance was established in 2012 in order to further develop international collaborative activities through planning and planning advice on international collaboration and to enhance and strengthen collaborative activities as a hub of the international network. We are setting up a collaboration program between domestic laboratory network and oversea research organization network.
Examples of international partnership activities
- RIES-Hokudai International Symposium every year inviting speakers from abroad
- Conclusions of academic agreement with overseas research institutes (6 research organizations in Asia, 4 research organizations in Europe and the USA as of Sep. 2018)
- Bilateral Joint Research Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, JST Strategic International Science and Technology Cooperation Promotion Project etc. (2007-2013)
- 1 Human Frontier Science Program Grant Award to promote interdisciplinary international collaborative research on biology and surrounding fields 1 case in 2007, 2 cases in 2010, 1 case in 2013 (Number of awards (RIKEN, after Tokyo University) nationwide 3rd place, award-winning rate per number of faculty nation top)
- Ig Nobel Prize in 2008, 2010
- One Yamato Adrian Prize awarded for excellent collaborative research between Japan and the UK (2010)
- Excellent International Collaborative Research Results; Science 2007, 2010, Adv. Mater. 2012, 2014, Nature Materials 2013, Nature Commun. 2015, Nat. Chem. Biol. 2017, ACSnano 2018 et al.
Activity details and region
- Visitors from Oversea
- Post-Doctoral Fellows from Oversea
- Academic Staffs from Oversea
- Number of International Students
- International Collaboration
- International Exchange Agreements
- Invited talks in international conferences
- International symposia the staff(s) of RIES organized
- RIES-Hokudai International Symposium organized by our institute
Marker Legend
Visitors from Oversea
Post-Doctoral Fellows from Oversea
Academic Staffs from Oversea
Number of International Students
International Collaboration
International Exchange Agreements
International Exchange Agreements(principal faculty of this contract)
Invited talks in international conferences
International symposia the staff(s) of RIES organized
Vasudevan Pillai BIJU (Professor, Leader) -
TAKANO Yuta (Assistant Professor, Vice-Leader) -
KOMATSUZAKI Tamiki (Professor) -
OHTA Hiromichi (Professor) -
UJI-I Hiroshi (Professor)