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Photonic Band Gap Materials: Light Trapping Crystals

日時 平成22年8月27日(金) 11:00–12:00
場所 電子科学研究所 1階 会議室
講演者 Prof. Sajeev John (Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada)
タイトル Photonic Band Gap Materials: Light Trapping Crystals

Photonic band gap (PBG) materials [1,2] are artificial periodic dielectric microstructures capable of trapping light in three-dimensions [3] on sub-wavelength scales without absorption loss. This offers new opportunities for efficient solar energy trapping and harvesting in suitably microstructured thin films [4]. It also enables virtually complete control of the flow of light on microscopic scales in a 3D optical chip [5-7] as well as very strong coupling of light to matter where desired. By further engineering the electromagnetic density of states [8-10] within the chip it is possible to realize unprecedented coherent optical control of the quantum state of resonant atoms or quantum dots [11, 12]. This defines a fundamentally new strong-coupling regime for quantum optics. It enables multiple-wavelength channel optical logic to be performed on a chip on picosecond time scales at microwatt power levels.

I discuss further consequences of light trapping in classical and quantum electrodynamics. I also discuss the challenges and requirements for materials fabrication to realize these remarkable effects.

  1. S. John, Physical Review Letters 58, 2486 (1987)
  2. E. Yablonovitch, Physical Review Letters 58, 2059 (1987)
  3. S. John, Physical Review Letters 53, 2169 (1984)
  4. A. Chutinan and S. John, Physical Review A 78, 023825 (2008)
  5. A. Chutinan, S. John, and O. Toader, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 123901 (2003)
  6. A. Chutinan and S. John, Physical Review B 72, 16, 161316 (2005)
  7. A Chutinan and S. John, Optics Express 14 (3), 1266 (2006)
  8. D. Vujic and S. John, Physical Review A 76, 063814 (2007)
  9. R.Z. Wang and S. John, Physical Review A 70, 043805 (2004)
  10. R.Z. Wang and S. John, J. Photonics and Nanostructures (Elsevier) 2, 137 (2004)
  11. Xun Ma and Sajeev John, Physical Review Letters 103, 233601 (2009)
  12. Xun Ma and Sajeev John, Physical Review A 80, 063810 (2009)
主催 電子科学研究所学術交流委員会
共催 日本化学会北海道支部、電気化学会北海道支部(予定)
後援 応用物理学会北海道支部
連絡先 極限フォトンプロセス 三澤 弘明