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電子研学術講演会(Prof. James A. Yorke)


下記の通り Prof. James A. Yorke(University of Maryland)をお招きして電子研学術講演会を開催いたします。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

Prof. James A. Yorke
(University of Maryland)
日時: 12月7日(水) 15:00~
場所: 北海道大学 理学部5号館5-301室
講演1 Title: Partial Control of Chaos

In control theory, someone selects a desirable trajectory, often an equilibrium and then chooses a feedback control that forces that trajectory to be implemented. In a chaotic situation with noise, it is always necessary to have a control that is stronger than the noise so that the noise can be overcome.

In life it is far more common that we want to assure certain situations do not occur. For example, that our company does not become bankrupt, or we do not crash our car. Here I aim to build a simple mathematical model of such situations. Our concept of “partial control” selects one or more possible regions of phase space of a chaotic system to be avoided. We must then ensure that this trajectory never enters these regions. We look at situations where the control is always weaker than the noise.

講演2 Title: Determining DNA Sequences: New Challenges

IKnowing the DNA sequences of the various species has become the foundation for many areas of biology, and it promises to become more important. How to determine the sequence of A,C,G,&T in a species’ DNA was well understood until recently, when the situation suddenly changed. Recently,generating fragments of the sequence for whole genome assembly has become 10,000 times cheaper, but the cheap fragments have much lower quality. As a result the publication of new genomes has slowed. My group specializes in assembling large genomes. I willreport on progress. My group’s current projects include the Indian Cow genome (which as 3 billion bases) and the Loblolly Pine Tree genomes (which has 24 billion bases in its genome).

*第18回DCSセミナー(Dynamics of Complex Systems) 主催、数学談話会 共催
*電子科学研究所 学術交流委員会 共催
北海道大学 電子科学研究所 / 理学院数学専攻 佐藤譲
Yuzuru Sato (Ph.D.)
Phone/Fax: +81-11-706-2889
Email: ysato@math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp / ysato@es.hokudai.ac.jp
