News & Events

“Studying Reaction Dynamics and Characterization of Transient Species Using Infrared Spectroscopy”


このたび、台湾国立交通大学の李 遠鵬 教授をお招きしまして、下記の講演会を開催いたします。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。

We would like to invite you to come to the lecture of Prof. Prof. Yuan-Pern Lee, National Chiao Tung University, on recent progress in his molecular science studies.

[Speaker] Prof. Yuan-Pern Lee
(Department of Applied Chemistry and Institute of Molecular Science, National Chiao Tung University)
[Date] 18th May (Fri), 2012 10:30 – 12:30
[Place] Conference room (the 1st floor), Research Institute for Electronic Science (RIES), Hokkaido University
北海道大学電子科学研究所1階 会議室

We investigated the difference in reactivity of O(1D) towards two types of hydrogen atoms in CH3OH. Infrared emission of vibrationally excited OH and OD products was recorded with a step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer. In the reaction of O(1D) + CD3OH, the rotational distribution of OD is nearly Boltzmann whereas that of OH is bimodal. The product ratio is [OH]/[OD] ~ 1.56. In the reaction of O(1D) + CH3OD, the rotational distribution of OH is nearly Boltzmann whereas that of OD is bimodal, with a product ratio of [OH]/[OD] ~ 0.59. Reaction mechanism will be discussed.

We took advantage of the diminished cage effect of p-H2 to produce free radicals and protonated species. Upon photolysis of the Cl2/C6H6/p-H2 (1/1/1500) sample at 3.2 K with light at 365 nm, new lines are assigned to 6-chlorocyclohexdienyl (s-C6H6Cl) based on the observed deuterium isotopic shifts of s-C6D6Cl and comparison with theoretical calculations. If time permits, IR spectra of C6H7, C6H7+, a-C10H9, b-C10H9, a-C10H9+, and b-C10H9+ will also be discussed.

[Contact Address]
Prof. Nobuhiro Ohta(太田信廣)
RIES, Hokkaido University Kita 20, Nishi 10, Sapporo(北海道大学電子科学研究所)
TEL: 011-706-9410
e-mail: nohta@es.hokudai.ac.jp
