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Towards Enhanced THz Radiation-Matter Interactions

講師 Prof. Luca Razzari (The University of Quebec (INRS-EMT) in Montreal)
日時 平成25年1月9日(水) 14:00 – 14:30
場所 電子科学研究所 新棟1階 セミナー室 1-2
タイトル Towards Enhanced THz Radiation-Matter Interactions

I will review my research on THz nonlinear spectroscopy and THz nanoplasmonics. In the first part of my presentation, I will describe the high-energy THz source we have developed at INRS-EMT, and present some of the first ultrafast nonlinear experiments ever performed at THz frequencies. Then, I will proceed to introduce the concept and the practical implementation of metallic nanoantennas resonating at THz frequencies, describing the peculiar near-field and far-field properties of these nanostructures. THz nanoantennas can pave the way for terahertz few-molecule spectroscopy and terahertz nonlinear experiments at the nanoscale.

連絡先 グリーンフォトニクス研究分野 上野 貢生 TEL: 011-706-9318