日時 | 2016年3月17日(木) 10:00 – 12:00 |
場所 | 創成科学研究棟 5F 大会議室 |
講演者 | Alberto Credi 教授 |
所属等 | ボローニャ大学 化学科 |
タイトル | Photoresponsive molecular machines, motors and materials |
概要 |
The application of a bottom-up approach to the design, preparation and characterization of chemical systems that span from molecular scale devices and machines to bulk materials is a stimulating challenge of nanoscience [1]. The interest on this kind of systems arises from their ability to perform a (useful) function in response to chemical and/or physical stimulation. In this context, the use of light stimulation has several advantages, primarily because photons can be used to supply energy to the system (i.e., write) as well as to gain information about its state (i.e., read) [2]. Photochromic units, which undergo profound changes in their chemical and/or electronic structure upon light excitation, are highly interesting for the construction of photocontrollable molecular architectures. In the seminar I will describe recent investigations undertaken in our laboratories, aimed at photo- inducing and -controlling large-amplitude molecular motions, both under thermodynamic and kinetic viewpoints, in multicomponent (supramolecular) species that comprise photochromic elements [3]. Progress towards the construction of light driven molecular pumps working in solution [4] and photoswitchable solid materials for optoelectronic and gas storage applications will be presented [5].
連絡先 |
スマート分子材料研究分野 玉置信之 TEL 011-706-9356 e-mail tamaoki@es.hokudai.ac.jp |
備考等 |
Credi教授は、超分子化学と光化学を専門とし、光駆動分子機械の研究分野では世界のトップランナーの一人です。最近では、一方向運動を利用した光駆動分子ポンプの研究(Nature Nanotechnology, 2015)や光で多孔性やガス吸着能が可逆的に変化する分子結晶の研究(Nature Chemistry, 2015)で興味深い成果を発表しています(詳細は添付の要旨を参照)。皆様お誘い合わせの上、是非ご参加くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 |
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