日時 | 7月29日 14:00 – (1時間程度) |
場所 | 電子科学研究所1階会議室 |
講演者 | Prof. Dr. Johan Hofkens |
所属等 | KU Leuven, Belgium, RIES Hokkaido University |
タイトル | FLUOROCODE, a super-resolution optical map of DNA |
概要 | DNA sequencing methodologies rely on massively parallel DNA sequencing approaches, which sequence short regions of the genome, from 30 up to 1500 bases in length, followed by a computationally-intensive assembly of these fragments into a genomic DNA sequence. This method requires large amounts of DNA and is labour intensive, relative to optical mapping technologies. For example, sample preparation for so-called next-generation sequencing experiments requires a full day to complete. For some experiments, this is a price that is well worth paying. However, single-base resolution of the DNA sequence is often unnecessary, as genomic differences between species (e.g., microorganisms) or structural variations between individuals within a given species (e.g., humans) can be distinguished using lower-resolution mapping approaches. While optical (restriction) mapping is easier than sequencing, it suffers from two important limitations, namely the scale on which information can be obtained and the speed. The scale is limited by the use of enzymes that break the DNA, into fragments of around 10kb in length. Since sequence reads typically run to around a few hundred bases, there is a void in the scale of information that can be derived from these techniques. Genes are typically of the order of 1 kilobase in length but can run up to several tens of kilobases, placing genetic elements exactly within this gap. To fill this gap and increase the speed, an alternative to restriction mapping was developed in our lab [1] ; the so-called DNA FLUOROCODE. In this technique a DNA methyltransferase is used to direct the labelling of the DNA at sequences reading 5’-GCGC-3’ with a fluorescent probe. The DNA is then analyzed using a wide-field fluorescence microscope with sub-diffraction limit localization of the emitters. This technique allows for a much higher labelling density compared to restriction enzymes, and an unparalleled resolution. In this contribution, I will describe the progress that was made with this concept in terms of labelling, surface deposition of DNA, superresolution imaging… [2, 3] I also will discuss alternatives that we develop for stretching the DNA on a surface This work was supported by a grant from the European Research Council [FP7/2007-2013]/13]/ERC Grant Agreement [291593 FLUOROCODE] |
主催 | 北海道大学、電子科学研究所 国際連携推進室 |
連絡先 | 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 ナノ材料光計測研究分野 雲林院 宏、猪瀬 朋子((内)9410) |
備考等 | 本講演会は、H28年度電子科学研究所ダイナミックアライアンス国際交流事業によりご支援頂いています。 |