News & Events

DNA-Based Nanomaterials: Preparation and Potential Application.

日時 12月21日(水) 14:00–15:00
場所 電子科学研究所 創成科学研究棟4F セミナー室C
講演者 Peggy Pik Kwan Lo先生
所属等 Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
タイトル DNA-Based Nanomaterials: Preparation and Potential Application.
概要 The rapidly emerging DNA nanotechnology began with pioneer Seeman’s hypothesis that DNA not only can carry genetic information but also can be used as molecular organizer to create well-designed and controllable nanomaterials for applications in materials science, nanotechnology and biology. DNA-based self-assembly represents a versatile system for nanoscale construction due to the well-characterized conformation of DNA and its predictability in the formation of base pairs. The structural features of nucleic acids form the basis of constructing a wide variety of DNA nanoarchitectures with well-defined shapes and sizes, in addition to controllable permeability and flexibility. More importantly, self-assembled DNA nanostructures can be easily functionalized with biomolecules for multi-purposes. My talk will focus on the design of DNA-based nanostructures and exploration of their potential applications in targeted drug delivery, therapeutics and diagnostic.
連絡先 電子科学研究所 スマート分子材料研究分野 玉置信之(内線9356)