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日時 平成30年10月22日(月) 16:00 – 17:00
場所 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 1階 会議室
講師 Shuichi Onami 教授
所属等 RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
演題 Imaging data-driven modeling of animal development and SSBD a database for imaging data-driven biology
講演要旨 Quantitative data on spatiotemporal dynamics of biological systems provide crucial information for understanding the mechanism of biological systems. Combinations of live imaging and computational image-processing technologies have produced a large amount and a wide variety of quantitative dynamics data on biological systems. In this seminar, I will present our large collection of quantitative data on nuclear division dynamics in early C. elegans embryos. These data were obtained by combining four-dimensional microscopy and computational image processing under gene perturbations of each of all essential embryonic genes. Computational phenotype analysis identified 27,174 RNAi-induced phenotypic alteration from the fertilization up to the 8-cell stage. Clustering of phenotype profiles combined with GO analysis suggested early embryogenesis of C. elegans consists of 24 basic processes. We developed a method to elucidate causal relations of phenotypic expression by computing correlations between phenotypic characters, and another to infer genes involved in the causal relations of phenotype expression by computing outliers in the correlations. By combining these methods, we created a data-driven model of early C. elegans embryogenesis. I would also present our SSBD database (http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp). SSBD stores and shares quantitative biological dynamics data and biological image data produced within Japan and beyond. SSBD provides infrastructure for imaging data-driven biology.
主催 電子科学研究所 学術委員会
連絡先 北海道大学 電子科学研究所
電子科学研究所 附属社会創造数学研究センター第二十四回目 社会創造数学セミナー