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電子研学術講演会 “Sleep Assessment and Alertness Restoration in Tent-type Clean Unit System Platform”

日時 2023年6月7日(水) 13:30 – 14:40
場所 北海道大学 電子科学研究所(北キャンパス総合研究棟5号館)1F 会議室
講師 Dr. Tsung-Hao Hsieh
所属等 Researcher, College of Social Sciences, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan).
講題 Sleep Assessment and Alertness Restoration in Tent-type Clean Unit System Platform

Sleep is crucial for maintaining human physiological and psychological well-being. However, sleep quality is often influenced by various environmental factors, such as air particles, temperature, and noise. The tent-type clean unit system platform (T-CUSP) could create a sleep environment with high air quality and provide a compact isolated closed system in which gas molecule concentrations can be maintained. Accordingly, it becomes feasible to non-invasively measure the subjects’ metabolism and sleep patterns by ensuring high cleanliness within the tent.

主催 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 学術交流委員会
連絡先 電子科学研究所 ナノ構造物性研究分野 石橋 晃