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電子研 学術講演会 (Prof. Malcolm Kadodwala)

日時 2024年4月18日(木)16:30–17:30
場所 北海道大学 電子科学研究所1階 会議室
講演者 Prof. Malcolm Kadodwala
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
演題 Harnessing Chiral Light for Biodetection and Nanomaterial Manipulation
講演要旨 Light with angular momentum, either in the form of spin (circularly polarized light) or orbital angular momentum (Laguerre-Gaussian beams), possesses an inherent “twist” and exhibits chirality. This talk will explore how maximizing the interaction between these chiral light beams and inherently chiral biomolecules can pave the way for ultrasensitive technologies in biodetection and biocharacterization. Furthermore, we will discuss how the intrinsic angular momentum of chiral light beams can be utilized to manipulate the properties of nanomaterials.
連絡先 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 光科学研究部門 極微システム光操作研究分野