日時 | 2024年8月2日(金) 16:30 – 18:00 |
場所 |
北海道大学 電子科学研究所 中央キャンパス総合研究棟2号館5階 講義室 ※当日、体調のすぐれない方は対面での出席をご遠慮願います。 |
開催方法 |
対面とオンラインのハイブリッド開催(オンラインのみ要事前登録) オンライン参加はZoom登録申し込み🔗から |
講演者 | Riccardo Muolo |
所属等 |
東京工業大学工学院 Department of Systems and Control Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
タイトル | Introduction to the theory of higher-order interactions and topological signals: effects on synchronization dynamics and Turing pattern formation |
概要 |
Networks are powerful tools in the modeling of complex systems, but they may not capture the right interactions when multiple units are involved simultaneously. Such many-body interactions are encoded by higher-order structures which can be thought as extensions of networks [1]. The most general form is a hypergraph, in which interactions of any order can coexist without any constraint. Over the last years, higher-order structures have been the focus of great excitement, since this novel framework has enormous potential for applications. Moreover, particular interest has been directed towards the analysis of topological signals, i.e., state variables defined not only on the nodes, but also on links, triangles and higher-order structures, which can be coupled together when the higher-order structure is a simplicial complex [2]. In this seminar I will introduce higher-order interactions and their effects on nonlinear dynamics. It will be divided in two parts: one about higher-order interactions and dynamics on hypergraphs, while the other will be focused on the theory of topological signals. In the first part I will introduce the basics of dynamics on networks and its extension to the case of higher-order interactions, i.e., dynamics on hypergraphs. As an example of the effects that such framework can have on nonlinear dynamics, I will discuss the case of phase reduction [3] and show how the presence of three-body interactions can greatly enrich the dynamics of the simplest possible higher-order Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model [4]. In the second part, after having introduced topological signals on simplicial complexes, I will discuss reaction-diffusion dynamics in such framework and show some recent results regarding Turing theory of pattern formation [5,6] and synchronization dynamics [7,8]. References
共催 | 学術変革領域研究(A) 「マルチモ-ダルECM」 |
連絡先 | 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 附属社会創造数学研究センター 人間数理研究分野 |
その他 | 北大MMCセミナー |
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