日時 | 平成30年7月24日(火)14:00 – 15:00 |
場所 | 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 1階 会議室 |
講師 | Dr. Eimer Tuite |
所属 | Chemistry, School of Natural & Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, UK |
講演題目 | Molecular Recognition, Photophysics, Photochemistry, and Charge Transfer with DNA |
講演要旨 |
Small molecule binding to DNA is important in the context of therapeutics and imaging, but it is often impossible to obtain atomic level structures of bound materials using NMR or XRD. Polarized spectroscopies, such as linear and circular dichroism, together with luminescence, calorimetry, and hydrodynamic methods can provide good models of binding modes for such small molecules. I will discuss our work on binding and photophysics of phenothiazine dyes, asymmetic cyanine dyes, and ruthenium complexes with DNA to illustrate the interplay between luminescence probing, photoinduced electron transfer, and photosensitized DNA damage. |
主催 | 北海道大学 電子科学研究所 学術交流委員会 |
共催 | 人・環境と物質をつなぐイノベーション創出ダイナミック・アライアンス |
連絡先 |
北海道大学 電子科学研究所 居城邦治 (Tel: 011-706-9360, Mail: ijiro@poly.es.hokudai.ac.jp) |
備考 | ご案内【pdf】 |